17.Suspicious, really 🤨🧐

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Mayank:- ahh... Why studying is so hard. I am feelings tired now.

Shub:- Let's go mayank.

Mayank:- no man, I just wanna sleep right now.

Shub:- so you sleep here, I am going to canteen and yaah I thought I will pay your bill today but... Nevermind..( took his books to keep them in locker.)

Mayank:-(stood up in a second.) Hyy.. No wait. I am hungry too.

As mayank ran behind shub but he halted on his steps when he saw ishan who was standing there using his phone.

He went beside shub who was now just standing on his place.

Mayank:- ohh, your lover is already here waiting for you boy. Don't make him wait more.

Mayank teased shub who shock his head aa no making mayank smirk and pushed him hardly who falls on ishan.

Ishan:- FUCKE--- jaan.(smiled when he saw shubman was the one who collided with him.)

Shub:- I-i am sorry.

Ishan:- It's all right baby but how did this happened?

Mayank:- bhaiya, he was not ready to come near you so I pushed him. Now I am going in canteen shub, please come after making ishan bhaiya understand. (Ran from there.)

Ishan:- mayank slow down you will fall.( shouted but mayank just gives a thumbs up and again ran away.)This boy. He is really childish just like you my jaan.

Shub:-Hyy, I am not childish,okk.(felt offended)

Ishan:-(chuckled) fine baby but tell me why you didn't wanted to be near me? I did something wrong?

Shub:- it's Nothing like that ish, I thought you want to keep our relationship as secret so meeting so openly will create problem for you.

Ishan:- ohh my baby, how much do you overthink. Why will I keep our relationship secret when I just wanna shout out that you are only mine now.

Shub:-NO! Don't need to do that. I hate attention.( said in tiny voice.)

Ishan:- (chuckled) I know bacha. Now let's go, our friends are waiting for us.

As ishan held shub hand and went to their friends who was already busy in talking and enjoying the food.

Jaddu:-woww! Finally our new couple is here. Sit here highness, specially you king shubman as only for you, king ishan has brought this food from the counter by his own soft hands. (Said in a dramatic way.)

Everyone brust in laughter as Ishan rolled his eyes while shub looked down feeling shy.

Ishan:- idiot! Now shoo.... Let me and my jaan have our food. (Pushed jaddu lightly who pouted showing fake sadness.)

Dhoni:-ohh... My baby. Don't be sad, peasants are made to be pushed and taking orders jaan.

Jaddu:- what the fuck did you said right now mahendra singh dhoni?

Dhoni:- n-nothing baby. Heheh...(gulped seeing his baby glaring at him.)

Virat:- don't you think, we deserve a treat for making you guys together.

Ishan:- and don't you think, you all deserve a punch for making my jaan panick and came to me at late night.

Hardik:- Ishu, that's why we asked abhi to pick shub from his house.

Hardik said with a smile which soon faded when he saw how everyone stopped eating and now looking at him, well better say glaring at him.

Ishan:- you came there with abhi?

Others got nervous listening ishan's deep and Calm voice which is the indication of his anger.

But to there shock, shub smiled as he nodded and whispered something to ish whose lips broke into a wide smile.

Shub:- because I was afraid to lose you my love and moreover he is just my bestfriend who is in love with someone already. (whispered to ish.)

Ishan:- then I am all Fine.(smiled and kissed shub' cheeks.)

Jaddu:- what did shub whispered  that make your anger melt like butter, and made you smile this brightly that you rewarded him with a kiss? (Asked in a teasing way.)

Ishan:- did I ever asked why you blush whenever mahi bhai whisper to you?

Jaddu: - well, I won't mind if you do. But right now we are taking about you two so say it already.

Everyone looked at ishan and shub being eager to know.

Ishan looked at shub who shaked his head a little while looking down.

Ishan:- he just said he loves me, nothing else and yahh I am throwing a party in starsy night club. So reach their by 8 pm.you too mayu.

Mayank:- sure bhaiya.( smiled when ishan ruffled his hair lightly.)

With time ishan and mayank started getting along and now ishan treats mayank as his small brother as Mayank still have too childishness inside him and often do stupid things.

Rohit:- but wait isn't it stri-

Ishan:- now excuse us.( softly pulled shub with him and left from there.)

Rohit:-strip club. Why are we going in a strip club?

Rahul:- you are saying like we never goes before?

Rohit:- I mean yes, we hangout there but this time we have mayank and shubman with us. They are still very innocent.

Rohit looked at mayank who was busy in phone with ear pods on.

Hardik:- well, I don't think shub is innocent now.

Dhoni:- shut up and just get ready in evening cause I know if ishan has choosen that club then it must be for some reason.

Virat:-you are right bhai. Let's wait for evening then.

Jaddu:- why I am feeling something suspicious shit gonna happen in today.

Dhoni:- baby please stop your CID mind.


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