Awkward...Ness (Makoto X Levi)

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An: YOOOOOOOOOOOO Sup guys, It's Alex. Me and NekoKun wanted a Makoto X Levi last night so I've gone and written it for us.... And Of course cursing alert because Levi why the heck would he not curse? I'm just as bad as him. Yup. Amethyst is my Oc... I just wanted five new Students but I didn't want Hanji because her and Nagisa... It'd be the end of the world. In my mind. I think someone else used this pic on here... but it was too good a chance to pass up I mean look at that smirk? Anyways enjoy and leave your thoughts and your requests in the comments!


Makoto stared at the window in a seemingly bored matter. He of course perked up when Ms. Amakata announced new classmates joining, being the polite person he was. "This is Jaëger Eren,  Himitsu Amethyst,  Arlert Armin,  Ackerman Mikasa and Rivaille Levy, they've just transferred from a school in America, so please everyone try your best to welcome them" The sweet teacher said, gesturing for them to sit down once finished. The class giggled at her obvious mistake as storm silver eyes narrowed.

"I'm a guy, it's pronounced Levi" He corrected in a hostile tone, regardless of the person he was talking to.

"O-oh... Sorry" The brown haired woman stuttered, immediately feeling bad. 

Makoto took in every detail of the new students as they winded their way through the chairs and desks, the brunette's seemingly teal eyes and defiant gleam, Mikasa's bored but slightly content look as she exchanged quiet words with the blonde boy who's ocean eyes lit up behind his red glasses. His view was blocked by the shortest of the new comers, his seemingly annoyed grey glare and stone stoic look falling on his perfect desk almost instantly. Clicking his tongue the raven haired teen sat down behind Haru but just diagonally to Makoto. Amethyst sat down next to Levi, making some crack that the other boy sneered at. Makoto sighed, knowing that this was going to be a long class.

*timeskip of I freaking forgot to put this here originally*

Makoto grabbed his books, shoving them into his bag and stood up only to be pushed back into his seat again. "Fucking watch it" Levi hissed at the olive haired male, glare slowly killing him

"S-sorry, I didn't see you there" Makoto apologized. The midget narrowed his eyes slightly but nodded his head before leaving with the other four, who'd seemed to wait for him. The olive haired teen for some reason stared, admiring every aspect of Levi's swaggerlicious walk, at obvious English major the whole time he travelled from his desk to the door. He soon shook himself and rushed out of the english classroom, running down the corridor and down to the swimming pool where no doubt everyone was waiting. 

He arrived huffing and panting, hands on his knees as he tried to regain his breath and composure. Rei gave him a slightly amused look while Nagisa bounded over, as ecstatic as ever, and tackled the poor boy to the ground. "Makoto-chan~" He sang "We've been waiting! Were where you?!" He pouted slightly 

Makoto shook his head slightly at the small strawberry blonde, a small blush tinting his cheeks in shame for being late "Just a bit distracted" By some mighty fine booty might I add personally. Nagisa just laughed and dragged the older boy over the the others. "You finally made it!" Gou yelled happily, cracking open a soda. So much for eating healthy. Makoto just smiled and gave the same excuse. Then it was time to get down to business and start training for the day, each of the boys stripping down and getting into their swimsuits much to Gou's pleasure. (Wait that sounded perverted... dammit Heichou) They started with warm ups as usual, each soon getting engrossed in their regiment until they heard someone yell, everyone stopped and glanced in the direction of the sound. 

It looked like the new shorty around here was kicking someone's butt. And he was looking damn fine whilst doing it. "And stay the hell out!" He yelled after them angrily as they ran off. Makoto seemed to be the only one who reacted to the scene besides Haru, who just went back to swimming, and pulled himself out of the pool. He threw on a shirt and bolted over "Is everything okay?" 

Levi turned and gave Makoto a sideways glance, an eyebrow raised "Yeah" He replied gruffly, wiping his lip with his sleeve before glaring at the once white shirt "The fuck do you want?" 

Makoto ignored the rude comment and was distracted by the smeared blood on Levi's lip "We have a first aid kit. You can use it if you want, none of the others will mind" He offered, hoping that the obviously annoyed teen would accept. To his surprise Levi nodded slightly, following him into the pool area and into the locker rooms. The taller male felt above the lockers for the white plastic box, grabbing it and bringing down on to the bench. He immediately frowned at the absolutely horrifying mess inside the box. Someone had even placed the band aids wrong. Levi leaned forward a bit and clicked his tongue "Should've known you'd guys be messy" 

"I don't even know why it's messy. No one has been in here recently" Makoto groaned and started tidying up the unsorted items, completely forgetting the actual reason he was in here in the first place. The raven haired teen sitting next to him soon found the mess disturbing as well and slapped the other's hands away, fixing the mess. Makoto frowned even more, maneuvering around Levi's hands to handle the other misplaced objects. Both grinning, well on the inside in Levi's case, at their finished work they finally realized how close they were. Makoto's face erupted in red as he turned away, his mind scolding him for not noticing. He heard a slight chuckle next to him and his face went a darker shade of crimson. "You're cute when you blush" The swimmer's eyes widened a bit when he went to look at the other teen, only to see the same bored yet tad annoyed look, the storm grey eyes failed to hide a bit of embarrassment. 

"Th-thanks..." Makoto stumbled, fidgeting with his fingers nervously. The room was soon filled in an awkward silence, much to both the males annoyance. Wanting to say something but not really knowing what to say. Makoto soon was wondering why he wasn't being his usual self, why he was blushing when he wouldn't if Nagisa said something like that. Maybe he was just not used to Levi yet, he knew would get close to the other teen though. His green eyes then fell on the first aid kit then went straight to Levi's split lip again. "Oh, right! Your lip" He cried, looking inside for something to help. 

Levi took a washcloth that Makoto had put in water and washed the blood off his lip"And finally he remembers" The older teen mutters, leaning back on his hands and crossing his legs after he was done. Makoto ignored him and pulled out a spray, shaking it and taking off the cap. 

The backstroke swimmer took a deep breath and straightened up, trying to hold a straight face as best as he could. "Could you pucker your lips, I can't get to the cut" He asked, face going red again at the very thought of Levi's lips puckering. 

"Someone's suddenly got a shit load of confidence" Levi hummed, not really wanting to do it

"Just do it" Came the equally annoyed reply

The sassy raven haired student rolled his grey eyes and did as the olive haired swimmer told him, Makoto sprayed the cut, hoping that it wouldn't sting. Not shocking that Levi didn't flinch. Despite the fact they were close again. Makoto felt his face turn to lava again and tried to move away only to feel soft lips chaste his own in a kiss. The unusually shy boy's cheeks could've practically made paper burst into flames, regardless he enjoyed the feeling of the soft sign of affection and leaned into the kiss. Makoto wrapped his arms around the shorter teen's waist, pulling him close and deepening the kiss. Levi placed his arms around Makoto's neck and sat on his lap. 

Course their lungs had to scream for air. Dang lungs, always spoiling the good stuff right? So they broke the kiss panting and staring at each other. 

Levi smirked. Like actually smirked, not the scary ass sneer from earlier. "So you swim... would you mind coming to the beach later tonight? Might be fun. 'Specially in the dark" He tilted his head slightly,  making his raven tresses fall in front of some of his face in an adorable way. 

Course Makoto said yes. Who wouldn't?

An: That was short.... GOMENASAI! Hope you enjoyed it, the music I was listening to really wasn't helping me stay awake long enough to write this lol. I'll probably do a Rewrite or a part 2 later I dunno.



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