New Friends (Rin X Natsu)

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An: I FEEL LIKE MY UPDATES ARE SO SHITTY I'M SO SORRY IF THEY ARE anywho Rin and Natsu...just go make little adorable baby Shark/Dragon hybrids please. Okay so I was flipping out about 14 followers...holy shit that ain't crap now. And 185 reads? Bitch please I'm not that good am I? that sounded self centered. Let me go slap myself what I was trying to say before Alex wandered off into a fantasy waaaaas that THANK YOU SO BLOODY MUCH. Hope your enjoying the book so far and can't wait to see you guys later bai 


The red haired swimmer slid down the locker room wall, he stared at the ceiling with loose features. Another day, another practice, the closer he got to his dream. He didn't fit as much practice in as usual because the pool was being shared, school trips always tend to get in the way. But what is troubling me? He thought, Why am I not happy? That's all I want. He sighed and crossed his arms over his wet swimsuit covered knees. When he got down to it, it was just his father's unfinished business that was the matter, nothing was wrong with himself directly. He heard the doors to the white walled room open, the other swim team came pouring in. Their members where drenched in water, their hair stuck to their faces and their goggles were bouncing around their necks. They playfully fought and teased each other, only getting physical for a couple of seconds before having to back off. Rin frowned at them and took his phone out of his Samezuka jacket, pretending to be busy. A loud shout got his attention not even 5 seconds after, the other males in the room yelled at the person who had shouted. 

"But ice cube started it!"

"You wish, crazy eyes!" Another hissed at the first. Rin raised an eyebrow and put his phone away. He wanted to see how this turned out.

"What. Did you just call me?!" A pink haired swimmer from not too far away demanded. He walked up to his raven haired teammate and got up in his face, a ferocious glare, almost not human, was thrown at the gunmetal eyed teen.

"I called you crazy eyes, diptshit!" The other responded, smirking at the look of absolute rage on his pink haired opponent's face. Rin could've sworn that his eyes started to glow.

 His eye twitched "My eyes aren't crazy yours are! They're all squinty and ew" The taller swimmer pinned him to a locker, many of the other teens in the room including Rin going to pull him off "And you're the dipshit, Gray!" Gray narrowed his eyes as he was pried off the olive eyed fighter. A brown haired guy with a tan yanked on Gray's arm, pulling him to the other side of the room while another much taller male made sure that Gray wouldn't turn around at the last second. The pinked haired boy stuck his tongue out maturely as Gray walked away. 

There was a tap on Rin's shoulder, the short tempered teen turned around to meet a set of crimson eyes "Thanks for helping, who knows what these idiots would've done if you hadn't helped" Said the black haired teen, he smirked "Course, it would've been perfect entertainment to see Natsu get his ass kicked"

"Whatever" Rin replied simply, he turned and walked out of the room. He saw Natsu stopped glaring and watch him leave in the corner of his eye but dismissed it "Have a good day or something" the maroon haired shark muttered to the swim team as the door shut. Elfman mumbled something about a man not having a bad attitude. Natsu hit his arm then turned back to the door that the shark had left through.

~Le timeskip of holy shit imagine the two getting it on~ 

"Hey!" Rin turned around at the sound of the voice, he saw the figure of the swimmer running before he recognized the rose colored hair he had. Natsu stopped next to Rin, a large grin in place as usual and panting hard "...Where ya headed?" He asked

"To the hotel down the road" Rin responded tiredly, honestly people just don't stop

Natsu looked at the road, quickly spotting the sign half covered by trees "Oh! good! I'm heading that way as well!" No he wasn't "We could walk together!" He was heading the opposite direction and had originally planned to walk with Lucy "I mean I'm free for the rest of the day so maybe we could hang out..." He wasn't, he'd planned a day out with Lucy. Rin thought about it, he guessed it would be better than walking alone. He nodded, getting a cheer out of his companion. They walked down the road, at first only Natsu smiling liked the dumb ass he was. "So, how long have you been swimming?" 

"...basically all my life" the other answered, his attention still far away in the land of training

"Cool. I only just started after I moved here" Natsu smiled

Now this peaked Rin's interest "really?"

"Yeah, I'd been away for awhile. You know that new country Fiore?"

"Ah, yeah. I heard it's really beautiful there" Rin commented

"I had moved there with my dad then came back here after a couple of years...everyone grew up so much. It's all so different" So this hot headed idiot knew how Rin felt? well that's a shocker. "...Gray's the same though. Sos Loke, well he changed his name to Leo, Gajeel's still an asshole and Elfman is...Elfman. Not to mention Lauxus, same power hungry douche as always"

"My friends changed a bit as well after I got back from Australia, not that I care" Rin covered quickly, noticing the knowing look in the other's eye and trying to seem professional. Natsu rolled his eyes 

"Okay Jaws~" He sang as they stopped at a stop light in the quiet town

"Don't call me that" Rin sighed, he glared tiredly at the empty road and the red stop light

"Nope, your nickname is Jaws!" The olive eyed swimmer laughed, he punched Rin's shoulder as confirmation and forever dubbed him Jaws because of the sure bruise it would leave 

 Rin turned and punched Natsu's shoulder "Then yours is Drake" The shark smirked

 "What?! Why?" The dragon complained, his lip jutted out and he scrunched up his face in disapproval 

"Cause it's what a guy dragon is called" Rin shrugged, he enjoyed the little tantrum the swimmer threw by kicking a rock across the road. The light flashed green and they crossed. 

 Natsu pouted again and stopped Rin on the other side of the road by standing in front of him "But that's not fair I gave you an original name, that rap singer is Drake!"

"Orignal? Barely, I don't look anything like a shark" There was an awkward silence "Okay maybe I do"

"How do I look like a dragon?!" The hot tempered companion half shouted, insisting on an answer straight away.

Rin pondered on it for a moment before pulling Natsu close to him, his fingers slipped underneath his chin and he turned the blushing teen's face side to side before nodding to confirm his suspicion "...Your eyes" He did that smug half smile and let go, starting to walk ahead and leaving Natsu looking at the ground shocked and red as a tomato. "You coming?" Rin called from up the street. The red dragon shook his head before running to catch up, soon starting demands why the maroon haired male did that. Ah, the hyperness of Natsu Dragneel.

An: I might be spending too much time listening to too much Nightcore XD 

Rin: Your Ans are always too long It's nice it's so short this time

Alex: STFU NOBODY ASKED REEN Hope you guys enjoyed it! and see ya next time! 

~Alex and Reen Mastuoka we've got backstrokes for days man! 

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