Joint Practice (Levi X Haru)

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An: You all saw it coming. Don't fucking deny it. So I wrote half of this at 2 am and he other half like two minutes after I woke up cause when you're in bed the best ideas hit your face in the face. Enjoy hot swimming teams and underwater kisses


I didn't really understand why certain friends of mine didn't always let me swim every single time I saw a pool, if you see mackerel are going to not buy it? If Johnny jumps off a bridge are you not gonna jump? I mean I'd probably jump if there was water but still, the point is, I see a pool. I'm gonna fucking jump in. Nagisa started shrieking about something Rei said again, at least half of the Samezuka swim time stopping and staring at the teen while I plugged my ears. It was one of those times when, y'know, I couldn't swim.

Makoto started saying something, I didn't reply. He was probably trying to cheer me up even thought he was the one who caused me to be upset in the first place. What kind of person doesn't swim when you go to a joint practice?

The doors to the swimming pool opened abruptly, shutting Nagisa up and again causing the Samezuka team to look over in that direction. A group of about seven clad in green and blue stood in the door way, mostly awkwardly staring in which ever way. A blonde, I assume one of the captains, cleared his throat "Sorry we're late!"

"It's fine, common in" Makoto ushered, waving them over. The group walked inside and stayed mostly together as they walked around the pool.

Rin raised an eyebrow "And you are?"

"The um Tobiuo swim team, we have a joint practice with Samezuka and Iwatobi" Maybe it's not going to be so horrible today. I looked at Makoto, puppy dog eyes and all, pleading if I can swim now. He sighed and guestured to the water. I stripped off my jacket and dived in, only holding on when Makoto grabbed my arm again.

"At least leant their names before you go, Haru!" He frowned. I just sank a little lower into the water, covering my lower face and waited for the names.

The blue eyed blonde smiled sheepishly "I'm Armin, this is Eren, Jean, Marco, Reiner, Bertholdt and Levi. Levi and I are co captains" Called it. I tuned out Makoto and Rin introducing our teams and just observes the new comers. Armin was about Nagisa's height, maybe a little taller, bowl shaped blonde hair and ocean colored eyes. Eren was slightly tanned, sea spray colored eyes with a determined gleam I've only ever really seen in Rin's eyes once or twice. Jean and Marco might as well've been two sides of a different coin, Marco sweet and innocent looking while Jean looked like he was studying everyone else in the room to try and take advantage of weaknesses. Bertholdt was possibly even taller than Souske, which shocked me a little, his lime green eyes gentle and shy. Reiner was well built, a more relaxed look placed on his sharp features. Levi intrigued me the most, his night black tresses falling in just the right way to narrowly avoid his storm colored eyes as they glared. His pale skin might've been reflecting the pristine colors the pool water, I can't remember. The only thing I couldn't draw my eyes away from was the scowl that his face held perfectly, I know I'd seen it somewhere, except I can't exactly remember where.

"Haru and Levi should race!" A certain strawberry blonde suggested as he grinned widely. For once, I actually was excited for a race.

Levi clicked his tongue against his teeth, a new sound I don't think I've heard too often. "Common Levi, It could be fun!" Eren prompted, the midget turned and glared at his team mate, clearly not impressed.

"Hell no. I'm not swimming today"

Well fuck, I guess you'd have to be Levi to answer my earlier question.

~Levi just get in the fucking pool~

It was long after practice and I still stayed in the water, no one was in the pool area besides me, just floating on my back and staring at the sky through the glass ceiling. I always like how stars swirl around in different shapes, it's like waves but in the sky. I wonder if there are Dolphins that can swim in the stars. My mind floated off into thoughts about Levi whilst I enjoyed the darkness of the huge room, the air nice and cool against my cheeks as they fired up and the water cradling me like a warm blanket. The empty bleachers creaked occasionally, the only other sound water splashing gently and my heart pounding. He didn't take off his jacket but sometimes I could just catch a glimpse of a very well sculpted torso and his calves and thighs were eye candy for me to admire all day long. Imagining those strong arms wrapped around me after a long day after school seemed welcoming. And his voice, I could just hear it whispering my name into my ear. Why am I thinking these things, why do they make me feel like this?

"You're still here?" I shift so I can see the owner of the voice, a short male huddled in a green jacket as he stared across the water with his arms crossed. Levi. Just looking at the way he was standing reminded me of the way he swam during practice. I suddenly feel ashamed for the dirty thoughts that had entered my mind. My weight shifted and my feet kicked, my head soon surfacing above the water in front of him like a guilty dog that had just chewed up the furniture.

"...yeah" I replied. What's wrong with a late night swim? He shook his head and crouched down so he could be at eye level with me, my cheeks turned the heat up.

"Your arm movement could use some improvements but I'm surprised you haven't been scouted yet" Levi half complimented though I took it completely as an insult.

"I don't want to be scouted for anything...I just want to swim" I said simply. I was about to say my signature line when I saw black goggles his gripped in hand, his jacket unzipped and knee lenth grey stripped swimsuit not going unnoticed. "Why didn't you swim today?"

He shifted back in his seat on his feet "That. Is none of you business" he sighed. I didn't say anything, just kicked the water with a bit of frustration as I treaded. "Why do you love swimming so much?"

My eyes found their way back to his and I hid my my cheeks again. I never had to explain this to someone, it'd just something that's always stuck. Like Nagisa and Rei, it just felt like it had always been there. The worst part was not knowing how to describe it exactly, I rattled my water filled brain to figure it out. I had a word for it. I crossed my arms on the side of the pool and leaned on them "I have four words" I guestured for him to move closer. Why am I doing this? This is embarrassing enough as it is, he doesn't need to come closer! Who has control right now? Cause it definitely isn't me! He raised his eyebrow but leaned in regardless and I pushed up on my elbows to reach his ear. It's just a crush so this could just mean nothing, right?

"It makes me free"

I put my hand on his and moved away slowly, inching back and stealing a kiss. My eyes fluttered shut. At first it's just me, my moist lips against his softer ones waiting for a response. Then they slowly start move along with mine, parting a little when my tongue swipes across them. I feel around every nook and cranny, my hand somehow became entangled in Levi's hair as he kissed back. He's the one who broke the kiss after a while, his hand on my cheek. His eyebrows furrowed and he glared at floor I didn't know what was wrong so I stayed put. He took off his jacket and his lips met mine again, he pushed me into the pool so I fell backwards. I felt hands all over me, my own roaming just as much. The warmth his lips brought suddenly left again and next thing I knew I was sitting on the side with someone fawning over me and yelling. I looked to Levi with a hint of a smile, he might have smiled with his eyes but I knew we would have to continue later.

An: Soooooooo I think Haru's a bit OOC here...FUUUCK oh well I'll just have to make up for it some other way...

~Alex, Haru, Haru and Haru

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