I'll Hide and I'll Seek (Natsu X Armin)

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An: YO I literally don't know how these things keep popping into my head. I couldn't find a picture of Armin and Natsu so I just put this Kawaii picture up! This was...interesting. To say the least XD. Hope you enjoy it! 


Natsu frowned and glanced at Jean again before looking away and repeating with Gray. The fellow big headed teen sighed and adorned his own frown on his horse like features. Armin crossed his arms and tapped his foot expectantly. No one replied. "If you guys won't tell me I'll ask Christa where you guys hid it and what you did with it" Still no reply "I'll ask Lucy" Gray smirked at the threat but also feared he would. If anyone was as much as a goody too shoes as Armin it was that bubbly blonde Lucy Heartfillia, she'd no doubt spill the beans quicker than anyone else just not to be involved in the affair. And this one lately was a bad one. "Fine" The blonde scholar said after a few more tense moments "I'll ask Lucy" He turned on his heels and stalked out of the room, his distant footsteps echoing down the hall.

Jean turned to his two accomplices "Scatter!" He cried with joy, he then jumped off the bed, sprinted out the room and ran off in the opposite direction of Armin. Gray grinned and took off in another direction leaving Natsu sitting with the book that Armin was looking for. Not just any book, Armin's book about the outside world and the only thing he has left of his grandfather. Now being the dumb head he is he decided it was best to go out the window, stash the book and then run for it. The dragon slayer managed to climb out of the low placed window and leaped, crashing into the bushes below much to his dismay. "Owowowowowowow" He cursed, rubbing his arm. He groaned and sat up, glanced around soon glad to find that no one was walking by just yet. The pink haired teen was about to bolt and find a good place to "misplace" the book when he smelt something off. Course the base reeked of fear, he learnt on his first day that everyone was terrified of the humanoid creatures on their doorstep but still managed to have fun regardless. Just like Fairytail, that's why the guild visited the Scouts so much despite the protests of the MP. The scent smelt like a different type of spice than fear's musty and choking smell, more like it had been sitting in the rain and was drenched.

Now this confused Natsu. He'd usually only smell this after the Survey Cor would come back after an expedition. Following the odd smell and the now accompanied soft whimpers he turned a corner and the very blonde boy he was supposed to be hiding from was curled into a ball as he leaned against a huge willow, the emerald arms of the tree hiding him a little bit from view. Natsu smirked, ready to aggravate his friend and wave the book high out of his reach like he'd usually do until he saw Armin look up slightly with tears in his ocean blue eyes as they streamed steadily down his face. The pinkette slowly made his way across the large field that surrounded them and to his friend, genuinely concerned for the blonde. "Armin?" his head snapped up and their eyes met, Armin's face fell even more and he shoved his head against his knees again "Armin are you okay?"

"Y-yeah" He sniffed "I'm fine" the lie was obvious and like an alarm in the morning, screamed for attention. For once, the headstrong dragon boy ignored the plea and decided not to pry, to wait for Armin to explain if he could at all. Natsu sat down next to the crying boy and set the book down on his lap as he stared skyward, Armin sniffed again.

"I brought your book"



The two enjoyed it greatly though, not really having to talk to someone but knowing that they were near if anything was needed; a smile, a joke, a hug. A kiss. Not romantically, just a comforting one obviously. Natsu shook the thought out of his head and chided himself for even thinking like that at a time like this, Armin was obviously upset and wasn't able to put up with is usual shit. Only the wind whispered as it passed through the willow's delicate shading tresses and took them were ever it pleased even though that was so far away from the sturdy trunk that stood tall and proud. Natsu peeped at Armin and felt saddened as his small form shook slightly each time he sobbed. Not really knowing what else to do Natsu pulled Armin against him and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy. Armin just clutched his shirt and tried to wipe the tears away.

"What's going on?" Natsu asked him finally, letting the blonde try to calm down again

Armin sniffed, finally managing to make the tears stop "Nothing. Don't worry about me" He said.

Natsu grunted and frowned "That's not true" Armin looked up into the wizard's honey dew coloured eyes "You wouldn't be crying if that was true" the Cadet looked away and then at the way they were sitting. Legs tangled together, hands gripping his shirt, leaning on the stronger boy's chest. They were practically sitting like lovers did. In another circumstance maybe that would be the way the two sat every day. Armin's face flushed and he moved away from Natsu, having regretted the thoughts. He suspected- no he knew that Natsu wouldn't fall for someone like him, small and weak. No one never really paid attention anyways, he was basically the Canada of the entire Survey Cor. Maybe he could get a chibi Titan to not bite his face off and carry it around everywhere. Besides, Natsu was in to girls.

"I guess I just need to cry sometimes" The tactical genius explained bluntly

The idiot sitting next to him was a bit shocked to hear that. Armin? I mean Armin? The guy with all those cool ass speeches, bubbly demeanour and happy attitude. That badass that talked back to his bullies the second time he and Natsu met. The happy guy that assured him that everything would work out when it seemed it wouldn't. "...I guess we do" Natsu agreed, remembering the time he walked out side and hung out with Erza because she was crying "Though I usually cry for stupid reasons" Natsu grinned, causing the depressed Titan fighter to laugh.

"You cried when you found out 3DM Gear was transport" Armin reminded, smiling at the memory. No, Armin doesn't revel in other's sadness and pain. This isn't ASlapOnTitan!Armin pay attention!

"But it's too cool to be transport!" Natsu whined, again causing laughter form the younger boy. "Hey, Armin" the blue eyed boy hummed "You find me next time you start crying again, alright?" The fire dragon told him, wanting to make sure he was there to comfort him. A blush blossomed at the shy smile the shota gave him.

Armin nodded "Okay, why not" Natsu stood up, helping Amin stand. He gave the shorter teen his book and they walked towards the cafeteria, both grinning the whole way.

"And if someone made you cry I'm gonna beat the shit outta them"

"You don't have to do that!" Armin screeched. Natsu laughed, wrapping an arm around his walking companion and pulling him close, much to the displeasure of the blonde teen. Said blonde then started listing reasons why he shouldn't, which his debate oppenant countered with dumb discuses why he should as he tried to keep his feelings from makeing him confess.

Meanwhile, in the mess hall window.

"It's like a game of hide and seek!" Sasha chirped happily, clapping her hands.

"They've got it bad" Christa smiled, watching the two walk and occasionally laugh at each other. She sighed contently, thinking about how beautiful love is despite genders and age gaps. She honestly felt like this was a match made in heaven and in everyone's books her word was law in heaven.

"Yeah" Lucy hummed, wishing some hardcore Yoai would happen right this second. Not that she was a pervert. Then a dangerous spark gleamed in her brown eye, one that would make sure that Yoai would happen. "Hey Amethyst~ Corpral Levi~"

"No" they both answered, making her pout. She'd get her way soon enough though, because Hanji noticed her sad attempt and was in that time of day that didn't involve Titans.

An:.....Lucy no

Lucy: Yes

Me: Lucy noooo

Lucy: Yeeeees

Me: ANYWHOOVES *coughfromdoctorwhoovesandthedoctor* I hope you enjoyed that fluffy unicorn piece! Wait, what? This isn't... This isn't my pony piece? Ok. CONGRATULOTIONS IF YOU ACTUALLY MANAGED TO READ THIS FAR. I felt like this chapter was juuuuuuust the right length this time I'm so proud :3 Velp, I'm gonna go beat the shiznut out of this abnormal that just murdered Farlan and Isabel so I'll see you later! 


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