✧ Hunter exam ✧

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Y/n's POV:

We were running for 2 hours. I saw some applicants dropping out. Thus, I snapped photos of the candidates who passed out with the most amusing expressions.

"HEY WAIT UP, KID!" A kid with the most stunning blue eyes I have ever seen was yelled at by Leorio. "Huh..?" Y/n said.

"How about you show a little respect for the exam!" Leorio screamed. "What do you mean?" The boy asked. "I mean quit using a damn skateboard, it's cheating!" "How's that?" "How?! This is an endurance test, that's how!"

"No, it's not!" Gon exclaimed. "Huh? What are you babbling about now, Gon?!" "The examiner guy only said we have to follow him. That's all!" Gon explained. "Yeah weren't you listening?" I smirked. "Hey, whose side are you on Gon? Y/n!? anyway?!"

"Hey, how old are you two?" The boy asked. "13 years old." Gon said. "I'm 13 too!" I exclaimed as I looked at Gon smiled. The boy started running with us after doing a neat skateboard flip.

"I think I'll run for a little while." he said as he landed right next to me. 'he's so cool!' I thought. "Cool!" Gon exclaimed with a laugh.

"My name's Killua."

"Hi, I'm Gon!"

"I'm Y/n!"

Gon stopped the running because of Leorio and just stared at him. "Hey, forgot about him you've got to keep moving," Killua said as Gon didn't respond to Killua.

'Uhh, what is happening right now?!' I thought as we stood there just staring at Leorio, he finally yelled. "I'M BECOMING A HUNTER NO MATTER, WHAT!" He ran past us. "DAMN IT ALL!!!"

Gon giggled and grabbed Leorio's suitcase with his fishing rod. "Got it!" Killua and I both let out a gasp. "That was awesome!" "And amazing!" We both exclaimed in shock.

"Can I try that later?" Killua asks. "Sure, if I can try your skateboard!" Gon said. The thought crossed my mind, "Oh man, I feel left out, I have nothing to share."

We continued to run until we made it to the group. "Hey, I've got an idea. Let's race to the finish, and see who's faster." Killua said. "Sure okay! But the loser has to buy dinner." "Yeah, I'm down!" I said. "Yeah, you're on!"

"Ready....GO!" We exclaimed in unison. We dashed as quickly as we could down the stairs, and I nearly went down. We finally caught up to Kurapika and Leorio.

"See you at the finish line!" Gon said. "Yeah catch you later, old man!" Killua said as I laughed.

"Hey I'm not old can't you tell I'm a teenager just like you!" He yelled as soon as the words left his mouth, everybody was shocked. I took out my camera and took a picture of them.

"Thanks, Leorio for the distraction!!" I yelled as I ran "Hey, that's cheating!" Killua and Gon yelled as I heard their footsteps coming closer and closer to me as they were by my side again.

"I've got to tell you, Gon, Y/n. I'm pretty impressed that you can keep up with me." Killua said. "You are?" Gon said as he and l laughed. "Or maybe they're all so slow that you two just seem fast. Man, I thought the hunter exam was going to be more of a challenge. This is boring."

"Hey, why do you want to be a hunter, anyway?" Gon asks. "Who me? I never said I wanted to be a hunter." "Huh?" I said. "I just heard that the exam was supposed to be hard. It sounded kind of fun so here I am but it's not as fun as I thought. What about you two?"

"Well, the thing is my dad's a hunter. So I decided I was going to be a hunter just like him, no matter what!" "Hm, so what kind of Hunter is he?"

"I have no idea," Gon said as Killua and I laughed. "It's the weirdest thing I've ever heard!" "Yeah, it is!" I said. "Huh??" "You want to be the same kind of Hunter your dad but you don't know anything about him? that's nuts!"

"Mito's the one who raised me and she told me a little, but I've only ever seen him in pictures she showed me from a long time ago," Gon explained. "Wait, so who's Mito?" Killua said. "She's my aunt!" "Um." Killua and Y/n looked at each other in confusion.

"She said that my dad took the hunter exam when he was only 13 years old, too. He passed his first try and became a hunter. That's when he decided to leave the island. So, I came here to find out why he chose to be a hunter over staying at home with me." Gon explained.

"What about you! Y/n?" Gon exclaimed. "Didn't I really tell you this? In any case, I want to obtain my license so that I can outdo my parents and become stronger than they ever were." Y/n spoke while her eyes were full of sparkles.

As soon as I finished speaking, we turned to face each other and accelerated as soon as we saw the tunnel's exit. We rushed past the examiner just as he was about to turn around and shouted at them.


"Yeah, I did it! I finished first!" Gon yelled. "What are you talking about I won!" "no you two are mistaken I was the one who won!" I proudly said. "No, I won!" "I won." "NO l won!" "I was faster than you so you have to buy me dinner!" Gon yelled.

"No way I was faster so you buy me dinner!" Killua said. "Yeah right y'all are liars I won so you have to buy ME dinner!" I yelled.

"Na-ah, l was faster," Gon said. "Hey, which one of us was faster!" I said to the examiner. "You crossed the finish line simultaneously." "Okay...fine, I guess I'll have to buy you both your dinners, but then you two have to buy me dinner!" "Yeah, okay!" "I don't get it.."

"Hey, Mr. Satotz, is this where the second phase begins?" Gon asks. "No, it isn't we have quite a way to go." He said. "Oh..man..." Me and Gon said as we all sat down right next to the entrance to wait for Kurapika and Leorio.

A few minutes go by some of the applicants started to come to the exit. I turned when I heard Leorio groaning and saw that he was sweaty as hell, so I snapped a picture without using the Flash.

"Hey Kurapika!" Gon said as I turned and smiled at him and said "Hey! Finally, you made it." "Oh hey. Is this our destination?" Kurapika asked.

"Nope not yet!" Gon said. "hm l see. Looks like the fog is lifting." "Ah?" I said as Gon and l got up to see the fog lifting. "Whoa!"

"The Milsy Wetlands, also known as Swindler's Swamp. We must cross it to reach phase two of the exam. This place is home to a variety of truly bizarre animals. Many of them are crafty, voracious creatures who deceive and feast on human prey. So please be very careful. If you're deceived, you'll surely die." Mr. Satotz warned us as the other examiners were clamoring.

The gate behind me started closing as some dude yelled. "WAIT FOR ME!" But it closed.

"These wetland creatures are not to be underestimated, for they will use every trick in the book to fool their prey. This is an ecosystem. In which all creatures hunt by the art of deception. And that is why it's known as
Swindler's Swamp. Nothing please follow me closely so you won't be deceived."

As all the applicants of ar gasping. Leorio scoffs. "Is he messing with us? if we know they'll try to deceive us, who's going to fall for it?" "DON'T FALL FOR IT!"

"Listen didn't I just say that we won't?" Leorio said as he looked at the man so did everybody else. "Don't let them fool you!"

"This is so dumb~" I said as I put my other earbud on my left ear, to listen to my song as soon as the song changed we started running and I put the volume down so I could hear when somebody was talking to me.

'This sucks cuz, my socks are getting wet now...' I thought.

(Fun facts☆ Y/n was thinking that she could share her camera with the two boys. Gon wanted to ask more questions about Y/n's parents but was too wanted to bring the race.)

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