Chapter 1 pt.1 Juliet's POV:How it was

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Also chapter 1 are just brief summary of past

I am Juliet Capulet, born into the esteemed lineage of Lord and Lady Capulet, and the granddaughter of Mistress Lady Capulet. Our family's stature in Verona's nobility painted a facade of perfection, concealing the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. Though barely 13, discussions of marriage already swirled around me, mirroring my mother's union at a similar age.

Expectations weighed heavily upon me; to be the epitome of grace and virtue was my mandate. Anything less meant risking my family's reputation. Dubbed "Prissy Jules" by my cousins, I found myself alienated, seeking solace only in the company of Rosaline and Katherine.

My understanding of love diverged from societal norms; dismissed as naive, my dreams were deemed fantastical, ignorant of the harsh realities of the world. Love, an elusive concept, remained a distant abstraction, shielded by the veil of arranged marriages and perpetual familial discord. The bitter feud with the Montagues, our sworn rivals, cast a shadow over our lives, perpetuating a cycle of enmity that seemed insurmountable.

It was amidst this backdrop that fate intervened one fateful night. Stepping into the ballroom of the party, my eyes met his, and a blush stained my cheeks. His gallant gesture, kissing my hand, set the stage for an enchanting encounter. We talked, laughed, and danced, our spirits soaring in each other's presence. As the revelry waned, we sought refuge outside the ballroom, finding solace in the quietude of the night.

Conversations flowed effortlessly, punctuated by shared laughter and stolen glances. His audacity, leaning in for a kiss, left me spellbound, marking my initiation into the realm of passion. In that moment, purity yielded to the intoxicating allure of desire, casting aside doubts in favor of newfound exhilaration.

Our burgeoning romance, however, was marred by the hatred of our families' bitter rivalry. With each stolen moment, we danced on the precipice of forbidden love, acutely aware of the consequences should our secret be unveiled. Yet, despite the risks, we persisted, bound by a love that defied reason and convention.

But love's path is seldom smooth, and ours was no exception. When our clandestine affair was discovered, my parents' disapproval was swift and unyielding. Torn from his embrace, I found myself betrothed to another, a fate I could not accept.

Desperation drove me to seek solace in the counsel of Friar Laurence, who offered a desperate gambit to reunite us. With a potion granting the illusion of death, we escaped the confines of Verona, embarking on a journey of exile and uncertainty.

For seven years, we lived in seclusion, shielded from the prying eyes of our families.
I was feeling something strange about him.I was homesick and felt uneasy around Romeo..He seemed untrustworthy..I found out that he had a secret love by listening to Mercutio and Romeo talking about how he was missing his past love and the reason he went to the ball in disguise was for her.I was shocked.

He was cheating on that woman..And l was a mistress..?He also was missing her?Is everything else a lie?That night,l decided to escape.With a heavy heart, I made the agonising decision to flee, leaving behind the life we had built together. In the dead of night, as he slumbered, I gathered my belongings and slipped away, returning to the safety of my family's embrace.

While Romeo was sleeping l packed 3 bags and left.I used the money l stole from the house to travel back home.My family was happy l wasn't dead and that l was home.
Some family members were pissed off,but l didn't care.Now, reunited with my family and society, I confront the aftermath of my choices, grappling with the bitter sting of betrayal and the shattered remnants of a love once cherished.

This now leaves to the present.

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