Chapter 4 pt.1 Juliet POV:Eligibility

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"Lacy..How am l going to win respect back?" I sighed asking for advice from my friend. She was laying on my bed shrugging.

“You can join the Crown Princesses Lady-in-Waiting trial contest,” Lacy advised.

“Wait really?” I asked, moving myself to sit on the edge of my bed.

“Only 3 can be chosen but one will be head Lady-in-Waiting out of them,” Lacy explained.

“Well I'll join it, when is it?” I asked, tilting my head.

“Tomorrow,” she replied.

“Maybe society will finally accept me!” I exclaimed, tightly clenched both fists in excitement.

At dinner, it was quiet so I decided to break the silence.

“I'm going to join the Lady-in-Waiting contest tomorrow,” I told them. They looked up at me.

“Are you also trying to bring shame to our Crown Princess?” uncle asked.

“Uncle..You say as though I have no dignity?” I asked.

“How can the Crown Princess trust you when you lied to a whole kingdom?” he asked. I didn't know what to reply.

“By actions..I may lost a lot of people's trust, but doesn't mean l can't earn or gain them again,” I said.

“Just like how you're trusting your hairdresser to do your hair blindly,” he replied then patted my lips with a cloth. His eyes widened and he gaped. He touched his head.

“Child, know your boundaries..” grandma ordered. I nodded.

“But l do think it's a good idea to bring more grace to the Capulet name..Even if you fail,” She said.

Later l went to bed. I felt a hand caressing my face, l saw Romeo with his smirk. I sat up, seeing no one..Was l hallucinating? I swear l felt a hand..I'm going crazy..I decided to go back to sleep brushing off the presence l thought was there.

The next day l got ready and got on a carriage to compete in the Lady-in-Waitings contest. I got off the carriage and admired the Royal Palace. It was almost 3 miles long. The palace had red, gold, white, and brown theme.

I entered a hall, there were like 11 girls. We all bowed to her Royal Highness Crown Princess Escala. She had blonde hair with split bangs showing her forehead but a few strands of her hair laid on her forehead, her hair reached her elbows. She had brighter red eyes than Prince Escalus.

The Crown Princess was wearing a tiara and a veil behind her, she was wearing a purple and gold gown, the color of royalty. Ruby accessories showered on like the gem on her tiara, ruby necklace and earrings. She was so gorgeous up close, but stern looking.

“Thank you for participating in this.. There will be 5 tests.. There are 12 of you, 9 of you will be going home. My adviser will be taking roll call,” the Crown Princess announced.

“Lady Frida Tudor? Lady Rhonda Montague? Lady Lacy Seymour? Lady Jane Parr? Anne Howard? Ms Adelaide? Lady Anne Sphere? Lady Catherine Boleyn? Ms Lisa John? Lady Mary Ann? Ms Taylor Fern? Lady Anne Lar?” the names were announced but he paused for 3 seconds

“Lady Juliet Capulet" he announced everyone turned their heads to me in shock. I also was in shock, the reason was because Romeo's cousin was competing.

“Etiquette and Protocol is the first test.. Because proper behavior in big social settings, and interactions with royalty are important. Formal Dinner Etiquette Test, Courtly Presentation Test and Royal Audience Simulation will be tested on.” the Crown Princess announced.

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