Chapter 2 pt.2 Rosaline's POV:Sister

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I was in my room, sketching a portrait of Juliet as a welcome-back gift. A knock on the door interrupted my solitude, and I welcomed in my maid, Kelly, who was practically bursting with excitement.

“This is a royal seal!” she exclaimed, handing me a letter. Prince Escalus had extended an invitation to his masquerade party at the royal palace.

“You should go!” Kelly insisted, but I knew my father wouldn't approve, so I dismissed the idea. Just then, Roise, my daughter, bounded into the room. I scooped her up in my arms, cherishing the moment.

“What's that in your hand, Mama?” Roise asked, her curiosity piqued.

“Oh, nothing important,” I reassured her, dismissing the letter into the nearby bin. As I prepared to leave for a meeting with Grandpa Capulet and Grandpa Henry, Roise's innocent curiosity led her to retrieve the discarded letter from the bin and stash it away.

In my father's office, I found Juliet beside me, though she seemed lost in her own thoughts. Uncle wasted no time in declaring that both Juliet and I would be staying at the manor. Juliet bristled at the idea, but I remained silent, knowing it was futile to argue.

Dad explained the reasoning behind our confinement – Juliet's reputation of her disappearance and my own situation with my twins made attending the party too risky.
Juliet clenched her fist biting her tongue while glaring at the floor.

“I came here to embrace myself,I'm not hiding no longer.”Juliet, however, defiantly declared her intent to stop hiding, earning a sharp reprimand from both Dad and Uncle. Despite their usual disagreements, seeing them united in frustration was almost comical.
Which made uncle and dad furious.To be honest l still find these rare scenes of our dads agreeing on something amusing.

Juliet, however, defiantly declared her intent to stop hiding, earning a sharp reprimand from both Dad and Uncle. “Both of you are currently problematic,stay inside so you don't embarrass us.”Despite their usual disagreements, seeing them united in frustration was almost comical.

Dismissed from the office, after we walked down the stairs Juliet seethed with anger. I tried to soothe her, suggesting a visit to the gardens. Reluctantly, she agreed, and soon we found ourselves lying on the grass, gazing up at the stars.

“Remember when I told you that the moon was secretly the sun?”,I laughed.I teased her about a childhood belief she once held, and she retaliated with mock outrage, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
“I was 6!”,she yelled.I blurted out laughing,she flushed red from embarrassment.

“I'm not that same kid!”,she pointed out.
“Well l don't know that,last time I saw you..You were this adorable young teen..Now..Your a gorgeous girl.”,I replied.

We both lay side by side in the quiet night.
“Your the big sister l always wanted..”,Juliet revealed.That made me feel honoured.She voiced her appreciation for our bond, confessing that she saw me as the sister she never had.Her words touched me deeply, and I responded in kind voice.

“To me you are my sister.”,I smiled.Juliet blushed from the sentence.I acknowledging her as the sister I never knew I needed. Blushing at the sentiment, Juliet fell silent, and for a moment, the weight of our family's expectations faded away, leaving only the warmth of our shared connection.

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