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Whenever I think of the world "Hall" I can't help but think of this one teacher I had because her name was "Mrs. Hall" lol.

Why did I say that? Because the old title for this chapter was "Halls" and I made it "Home" instead.


{Y/n's POV}

I've been in this classroom for a couple hours now. Miss Delight about a hour ago said it was "Free time" so everyone did they're own thing.

I sat in a corner with multiple drawings I had just made surrounding me. One was me on the stage at the theater that was in the village of dreams.

I remember the times the guide for the season of performance would let me of special rolls where I would be a narrator that would show up on stage.

Or sometimes I would get to handle the effects, which was honestly my favorite part.

Another one of my drawings was from the first time I met the little prince. He was nice but, I knew he would be one of the many friends that would come and go.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a ball roll towards me and I reached out to it but another kids hand ended up touching mine.

I looked up to see a girl.

I looked up to see a girl

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{Art by me. Also she's one of the smiling critters. I think it's a little obvious which one she is.}

We both stared at each other before she smiled.

"Hi! I'm Amelia!"

She said as she grabbed the ball and held it in one arm, holding out the other for a handshake.

I shook her hand for a moment before taking my hand away.

She then glanced down at the floor seeing all my drawings.

"Woah! Are these all yours? Your so talented!"

She said as she crouched down and picked on of them up to inspect it closer. It was the one of me on the stage in the theater.

"You like acting? So does one of my friends! Let me introduce you to her!"

With that Amelia rushed off, soon coming back and dragging another girl behind her.

{I only had enough effort to draw Amelia but I'll draw more characters when I can.}

She had dark blonde hair that had been tied into a low ponytail, wore a white T-Shirt, and a pair of jeans that had a rainbow symbol near the ankles.

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