The beginning of the end of all sanity

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[It's around noon at Jade Mountain Academy, all the students are in a big hall with a stage at the front. The place is filled with chatting]

Sunny: *walks up onto the stage*

Tsunami: *shouts into megaphone loudly* Attention everyone! *hands megaphone to Sunny*

*All students groan at Tsunami's loudness and stop their conversations*

Sunny: As you all know, it's the start of a new year, the second year that Jade Mountain Academy has been open!

*Most students cheer*

Sunny: And today we're proud to-

Coconut: *puts talon up* When's suntime?

Tsunami: Shut it, or you'll be spending suntime in a grave. *balls fist at him*

Sunny: We're proud to say that we are slowly expanding the school, and we have enough room to have eight dragons in each winglet. These extra dragons are from Pantala.

*The five dragons step up*

*These dragons are rando Pantalan dragons called Swallowtail, Aspen, Centipede, Purple and Beetle*

Sunny: Tsunami will be announcing the winglets, which are mostly the same as last year. Unfortunately, we had some deaths last year so there have been some changes, I hope every dragon survives this year.

*All of them walk off stage except Tsunami*

Basically what Tsunami says next: 

Quartz Winglet:

HiveWing: Centipede

IceWing: Ermine

MudWing: Newt

NightWing: Mightyclaws

RainWing: Siamang

SandWing: Arid

SeaWing: Barracuda

SkyWing: Garnet

Silver Winglet:

SilkWing: Swallowtail

IceWing: Changbai

MudWing: Sepia

NightWing: Fearless

RainWing: Boto

SandWing: Ostrich

SeaWing: Anemone

SkyWing: Thrush

Gold Winglet: 

SilkWing: Purple

IceWing: Lynx

MudWing: Sora

NightWing: Lifeseeker

RainWing: Tamarin

SandWing: Onyx

SeaWing: Pike

SkyWing: Flame

Copper Winglet:

HiveWing: Beetle

IceWing: Alba

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