It's Apple-Hunting Season!

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Aspen: *steps over monkey poop* Kinkajou, Cannon is getting out of hand!

Kinkajou: Sorry, he likes it here, why can't you just burn it? You're still Peril; remember?

Qibli: You should get rid of him.

Winter: Yeah, get rid of Qibli.

Moon: No!

Aspen: You're the monkey...

Peril: Let's just agree that Cannon is the only monkey here.

Turtle: I agree, let's listen to Peril.

Peril: -Who I will be eating.

Turtle: O...kay, let's NOT listen to Peril.

Umber: I vote we check the mailbox for dares.

Aspen: No way, if we don't open the mailbox, we don't technically get the dares.

[Mailbox flies open and a single letter floats into Umber's talons]

Umber: Well, how about that, flamesilk Umber gets in the picture for once!

Peril: You're in the BODY of a flamesilk, you aren't an an actual flamesilk.

Umber: Stop reminding me!

Peril: Just read it.

Umber: *reading* The dragons of the Jade Winglet are playing the three games, Spin the bottle?!  7 minutes in heaven?! Truth or dare?! Auwwww, is it the kissing version?

Shard: *appearing* Yep.

Everyone: *grumbling*

Shard: It would be no fun if it were hugging!


[Jade Winglet sitting outside JMA in a circle with a bottle in the middle. 

Kinkajou: Welp, I guess I'm starting... *spins bottle*

*bottle lands on Umber*

Umber and Kinkajou: This is my worst nightmare.

Turtle: *sigh* He's so lucky.

Aspen: I guess we're going around the circle, clockwise?

Everyone except Moon: Why not?

Kinkajou: Anyways... Spin the bottle Moon, it's your turn.

Moon: Aww... *spins bottle*

Moon's thoughts: Please land on Qibli.

Qibli's thoughts: Please land on me.

*bottle lands on Winter*

Qibli: *dies*

Aspen: *heartbroken*

Winter: *notices their shattered expressions and smirks at Moon*

Moon: *reads his mind and hisses* No way!

Winter:*clears his throat* Could I have a chat with Moon?

Aspen: *blinking rapidly* Yes, fine, whatever.

[Moon and Winter go away]

Winter: Did you hear my plan?

Moon: Only the part where you plan to shatter the hearts of Aspen and Qibli by pretending to be a couple.

Winter: That was the whole plan, anyways, I saw you when Qibli bandaged her talon, this will fix everything Moon! Qibli will be able to prove he truly loves you and I can see if Aspen doesn't fully hate me.

Moon: This is a terrible idea, they would be so sad.

Winter: Qibli will be closer to you then ever.

Moon: *grumble* Oh well, a little while won't destroy them both.

[They come back and they kiss like the bottle said]

Winter and Moon: *secretly gagging after the kiss*

Winter's thoughts: I definitely don't love you anymore... no offence.

Aspen: I- have to hunt for- um.. Apples. Yes, they like to run slower this time of year... *Hurrying away*

Qibli: Yeah... I have to hunt for, MANGOES. They're acting even slower than apples, only one day only, see ya! *flys away*

Turtle: Um, we're they both crying?!

Umber: Nah, it just looked like they were just really desperate to catch fruit, I feel so sorry for them, can't even catch fruit on a normal day.

Peril: I think they were.

Winter: We'll just play '7 minutes in heaven' without them anyways.

Kinkajou: I brung the bottle, how should we play this?

Shard: So- er- I do not know how the 7 minutes in heaven for everyone else works, but I play using the bottle to pick two people, and instead of kissing they just walk into THIS cupboard *clicks and a pitch black cupboard appears* this is the cupboard of fortune.

Umber and Peril: Ooo, nice.

Kinkajou: Why couldn't it be pink and yellow?

Turtle: Spooky.

Moon: Er- Peril, your turn to spin.

Peril: Ok, *spins bottle*

Peril: Me?! It landed on me... *spins it again*

*It lands on Umber*

Turtle: Er, did it choose me?

Umber: No, you're looking at the wrong end of the bottle, it chose me.

Turtle: Ah, I still don't know how to play this game.

Peril: Winter, spin the bottle. 

[Peril and Umber step into the closet]

Winter: *spins bottle*

[Bottle lands on Kinkajou]

Winter: *spins it again*

[It lands on Turtle]

Turtle: Erm, so we wait for them to come out after 7 minutes?

Shard: Nah, you go in too, trust me.

Turtle and Kinkajou: *go into the closet*

Winter: Just end this...

Shard: Ok!


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