Moonwatcher got an iPad?

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Moon: *sleeping*

Kinkajou: Moon, Moon, MOON!

Moon: What?! Is someone dead? I swear, tell them I'm not the imposter, I AM CREWMATE, I'M NOT LYING.

Kinkajou: Moon? What are you talking about? There's mail in the mailbox, where's Aspen? I don't think we're allowed to get the mail.

Moon: But hasn't Winter collected and opened it like a million times? Why can't we?

Kinkajou: Because Aspen loves him-

Qibli: *rushes in panting, with many scratches, a couple bites and terrified face* She doesn't anymore!

Moon: Qibli! What happened?

Kinkajou: *now on Moon's iPad she found somewhere playing Among Us*

Qibli: Winter and Aspen are having a huge fight! Moon, could you please help me?!

*Moon nods and they both walk out to Qibli's cave*

*they walk in to find Winter and Aspen hissing violently at each other*

Aspen: You're such a selfish brat!

Winter: Stop poking into my business, snot-brain!

Aspen: Who even taught you those terrible insults?!

Winter: what's it to you? *sneers*

Aspen: They match your face, TERRIBLE.

Winter: Look who's talking, you're the one who got sent to another continent, because no one, even your precious twin sister, even WANTS YOU!

Aspen: *glares at him for a moment then runs out crying*

Moon: *follows*

*When they're gone*

Winter: *bangs his head on the wall multiple times, tears start to form in his eyes, he does it again*

Qibli: Does it hurt? I mean the wall.

Winter: No.

Qibli: But you're crying!

Winter: That's not why I'm crying,

Winter: I'm so so stupid...

Peril: *comes in* You really are.

Winter: I am...

Peril: Wow, he's SO depressed.

✨ Meanwhile ✨

Aspen: *literally crying her head off*

Moon: *comforting her*

Kinkajou: *still playing among us*

Kinkajou: You know, wouldn't it be cool if we were among us characters instead of dragons?

Shard: That gives me an idea...

Moon: Yeah, I guess Kinkajou.

Aspen: I could kill Winter and then it'd all be forgotten... Just a memory in the wind.

Moon: Hey, there's mail.

Aspen: You get it...

Moon: *opens letter in mailbox* Oh, *reads more* Oh no! No, no, no, no! Not now! Aspen, do we have to do the dare this chapter?

Aspen: Of course, why?

Moon: Um, *swallows* You have to go on a 'completely private' ... datewithWinter.

Aspen: What? A what?

Moon: A, um, date with Winter.

Aspen: ...

Aspen: Throw it in the bin.

Kinkajou: *stops playing among us for a minute* But whoever suggested the dare is probably reading this right now! We can't let whoever down!

Moon: That's nice Kinkajou, but I don't think Aspen wants to go out on a date with Winter right NOW, not after that fight.

Kinkajou: *back on among us* Wha?

Moon: *sigh* Nothing.

Aspen: *groaning* Someone tell Winter what that letter says and get this over and done with...


Qibli: He WHAT? *Moon whispers more* But he's not in a great mood at the moment...

Winter: *a crying, whimpering mess on the floor*

Moon: It doesn't matter, dares are dares!

Qibli: *runs over to Winter, who glared at him*

Qibli: Er, Winter, I know you think I'm annoying but I have something to tell you... You have a chance to make things right with Aspen, you've been dared to go on a date with her.

Winter: ... Really?!

Qibli: Yep, and, um, you'd better clean up...

Winter: Don't tell me what to do! *starts cleaning up*


[The beach, by the shore, it's sunset, all Jade Winglet dragons are there]

Aspen: *steps out with a purple flower behind her ear* 

Winter: *steps out with his scales all shiny and polished looking very handsome* Um, hey.

Aspen: Hi.

Winter: ... You look nice.

Aspen: *trying to hide her blush* Um, thanks, you don't look like a piece of trash yourself.

Winter: *looks away to hide his blush*


Kinkajou: We'll just... Go, *wink wink*

*she hides in the bushes recording with Moon's iPad*

*everyone else just goes away*

Aspen: Hey, Winter-

Winter: Aspen, I'm really really sorry...

Aspen: *looking surprised*

Winter: I didn't think about what I was going to say, and it was wrong of me to say that, because it's not true. You're here to get an education, and, I really believe that nobody in their right mind wouldn't love you.

Kinkajou: *crying in the bush*

Aspen: *hugs him* You're so sweet, and I think our fights were a little stupid, let's say no more arguments, deal?

Winter: Deal.

Aspen: *holds her talon out for him to shake*

Winter: *kisses her talon instead and flies away*

Aspen: *shrugs* I guess that counted as a bit of a date, by the beach at sunrise, just standing there, it counts.

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