Failed Pt2: Stuck in a cage

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Turtle: Help me get out of this cage!

Kinkajou: Just use your animus magic.

Turtle: *breaks down in tears* Showwww meeeee youuuu loooveee meeeeeeee!

Kinkajou: *melts cage with venom*

Turtle: Woohoo!

Moon: Who trapped you Turtle?

Turtle: Don't act like you don't remember, I literally screamed out that Umber trapped me last chapter!

*cages suddenly fall on them and they hear evil laughing*

Qibli: Hey, why are Winter and Aspen squished into one small cage?

*Aspen and Winter suddenly realising that and hyperventilating*

Umber: *evil laugh* I couldn't find enough cages for you all... I'm doing my dare, now for the fun part!

*thunder sounds and Anemone appears*

Anemone: Sorry, I have to turn you all into animals.

Qibli: Winter's already an animal.

Winter: *starts angrily hissing at Qibli*

Lynx: *pops out from behind Anemone* RIM SHOT! *disappears*

Anemone: *trying to find Lynx*

Peril: Gosh, that's so annoying.

Umber: Hurry up and turn them into useless monkies and such.

Anemone: *shrugs and is about to turn them into animals*

Qibli: *gasps* She was distracted when Lynx came!

Moon:We just have to make Lynx come and go enough to let us escape.

Aspen: But the only way to do that is...

Winter: to listen to jokes *groans*

Peril: I'm not putting up with that.

Qibli: Well, you've burnt my feelings.


Anemone: *gasp* I must capture this mad woman!

Moon: *trying to escape*

Kinkajou: *trying to melt her cage*

Umber: No! Focus, Anemone.

Anemone: Ok fine...

Turtle: Ack! We're all gonna die! My spirit will forever be drowned in sorrow!


Anemone: Huh?!

Moon and Kinkajou: *smirks at each other and continues to escape*

Winter: I'll never know what it's like to be frosted with love from my parents!


Kinkajou: *successfully melts Turtle's cage*

Peril: Idiots! Stop talking, we're all about to be fried! We were supposed to be cooking up ideas before we're toast!

Lynx: *popping up three more times* HAH! RIM SHOT RIM SHOT RIM SHOT!

Everyone: *manages to escape*

Back at Aspen, Moon and Kinkajou's cave.

Moon: Well done Peril! All those puns were genius, you saved us!

Peril: What puns?

Winter: I never thought I would say this, but puns saved my life.

Turtle: Aspen, Winter, you two can stop squishing together, you aren't in the cage anymore.

*Aspen and Winter realise that and immediately walked to opposite sides of the cave*

Kinkajou: Way to spoil the ship moment Turtle!

Qibli: Don't worry Kinkajou, I'm sure there's many more to come.

Kinkajou: Oh Cannon, I missed you so much! *hugs Cannon*

Qibli: *stares into his red eyes as Turtle plays horror music on a violin*

Turtle: What? Am I ruining the moment again?

Qibli: Nope *shudders and looks away from Cannon* you started the moment.

Turtle: *screams and drops violin* I MADE A MAJOR CHANGE IN THE UNIVERSE! I STARTED SOMETHING! *runs away*

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