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She held eye contact with the goblin before her, "good morning, Master Goblin, I am Morrigan Marigold Potter, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance

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She held eye contact with the goblin before her, "good morning, Master Goblin, I am Morrigan Marigold Potter, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She greeted with a curtsy, her bright emerald eyes glinting with a maniacal look in them. "I am hoping you could help me in getting an inheritance test. See I know that many don't believe I could be the Potter child, but, I know that I truly am her, but I want to know why I was hidden from this world, and why I was left with muggles, if you will," She stated as she took her place in the chair before the goblins desk. The goblin and herself were silent for a time, until finally he spoke.

"I am Draalkik, the Potter family account manager." He greeted, before starting to pull a parchment and an intricate blade, the handle was silver, with emerald encrusted jewels glittering. "You will need to allow ten drops of blood to fall onto the parchment, and then we shall truly see if you are the Potter child."

Morrigan picked the blade up, a smirk on her face as she cut a perfect line on her palm, allowing her blood to drip onto the parchment, each time a drop fell from her cut, she simply watched with a morbid fascination. When the last drop fell, she moved her hand away from the parchment, and looking directly at Draalkik she licked the blood off her hand, the wound healing as her tongue glided over the wound.

Draalkik did nothing when she licked her wound, he didn't show anything on his face. He waited for her parchment to finish with writing down her inheritance, so the two sat in silence. Regulus continued to whisper into the young girls ear, telling her everything about Diagon Alley. He only stopped when the parchment glowed gold, indicating that it was finished. Draalkik picked the parchment giving it a slight flick as he straightened it out. He read quietly noting that the girl was indeed the Potter child. "Well, well, it seems I have the chosen one truly sitting before my very own eyes."

Morrigan smiles sweetly as he hands the girl the parchment.

Name: Morrigan Marigold Potter-Black
Date of Birth: July 31st, 1980
Age: 10

Father: James Fleamont Potter (father) – deceased
Mother: Lily Jane Potter nee Riddle (mother) – deceased - adopted by the Evan's family

Godfather: Sirius Orion Black III – incarcerated
Godmother: Alice Marianna Longbottom nee Fortescue – clinically insane

Core: Dark


Lady to the Most Ancient and Noble house of Potter
Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble house of Black
Lady to the Most Ancient and Revered house of Peverell
Lady to the Most Ancient and Prestigious house of Gryffindor
Lady to the Most Ancient and Prestigious house of Ravenclaw
Heir to the Most Ancient and Prestigious house of Slytherin


Loyalty potions – Dumbledore, Weasley family, Gryffindor, Hermione Granger, Light magic, Order of the Phoenix.
Hate potions – Malfoy family, Tom Riddle, Slytherin's, Dark magic, Death Eaters.
All blocks and Potions linked to Albus Dumbledore.
Under no circumstances is Morrigan Marigold Potter to go to Petunia Dursley. She must live with Remus Lupin if Sirius and Alice cannot take care of her.

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