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Morrigan held Regulus's hand as they followed the Slytherin Prefects, towards the Slytherin Common Room, they had to go through a door on the right side of the Entrance Hall

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Morrigan held Regulus's hand as they followed the Slytherin Prefects, towards the Slytherin Common Room, they had to go through a door on the right side of the Entrance Hall. Behind the door was a set of stone steps which descended deep into the dungeons. The entrance to the common room was located behind a bare stretch of stone wall in the dungeons of Hogwarts Castle. A password of course was required to enter it; whereupon a passage was revealed leading to the common room.

Regulus had drilled it into her head, he had also made sure to let her know that she would most definitely be targeted by the other Slytherins, because she was a Potter. She was the chosen one, the lights sides goody-two shoes, the hero that destroyed their Dark lord, a man who had been the best there ever had been for a time... well... until she was born.

Morrigan wasn't worried, she was better than all of them, and she had something at her disposal that these little children would never be able to fathom. She was darkness in a human form, after all her magic was sentient as well. It wasn't a trick she had done in the wand shop; it was her actual magic coming forth. Not many had been able to achieve it in their lifetime. There of course had been a time, in the 1800's when a young fifth year student was able to see ancient magic, something Morrigan had studied in the Black Library, she was curious. Even more so when that student came and visited her, smiling and telling her of all their adventures, and being in the school when one Phineas Nigellus Black was Headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Good evening, snakes, welcome to your new home in the dungeons." The female prefect begun, her cold icy blue eyes looking over every single one of the first years. "Behind me is the entrance to the Common Room, the only way in is with a password, if you are found sharing this password with an outsider, you will become like the filth that your outsider friend is." She continued. "The password to the common room changes every fortnight, and it will be posted on the noticeboard. The password is, aspiratio."

Morgan rolled her eyes... what a cliche password, could they not be more creative.

But, watching the entrance open was mesmerizing, the group of first years followed the two prefects, going down, down, down, before stepping inside the dimly lit common room. The common room was a dungeon-like room with greenish lamps and chairs. This dungeon extended partway under the lake, giving the light in the room a green tinge. The common room had lots of low backed black and dark green button-tufted, leather sofas; skulls; and dark wood cupboards. One of the wooden tables had a Wizard's Chess set on it. It was decorated with tapestries featuring the adventures of famous Medieval Slytherins. It had quite a grand atmosphere, but also quite a cold one.

Morrigan felt right at home. It was almost similar to the Black ancestral home... but... Hogwarts would not be her real home.

"Now, you all will hear from our head of house, show him the respect he deserves." The male prefect said, his eye glaring at them, but mostly aimed at Morrigan, he must be one of the ones who did not like that she was in their most precious house. Morrigan simply stared back at him, a cold crazed look in her eyes. The prefect turned away as a sweeping black cloak made their appearance before the first years.

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