Terms and Conditions

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*Note: So I just really had to write this. I have no idea how well it turned out, but I hope you like it. Suggestions welcome! Will probably either re-write it or simply delete eventually, but until then, happy new Doctor Who tomorrow! And happy Easter, too. :)

I don't care.

Well, that's a lie,

It's all I really want.

I'm fine.

Also a lie,

I'm falling apart inside.

It's not you, it's me.

Don't act like it's true,

We both know that old code.

I don't want it.

But you don't see the glance

I steal as we walk away.

I read the terms and conditions.

No, I didn't,

But maybe I should've.

Maybe if I had, my pillow would stay dry.

Maybe I'd know that good doesn't always win.

Maybe I'd know that it will always hurt.

Maybe I'd know that life doesn't care.

And maybe I'd know that people lie.

I lie.

You lie.

We all lie.

That's how we keep ourselves from the truth

That no one wants to acknowledge.

We think that,

Maybe if we ignore it,

It will go away.

No one wants to hurt.

No one wants to cry.

But we didn't read the terms and conditions.

So now life's full of lies.

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