Lily Evans

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It was the last day before summer break of fifth year when Lily Evans burst through the fat lady's portrait, collapsing in a heap of gryffindor pledged robes and long red hair.

Lily tried to stand, failing, she grasped the nearest thing she could; one of her roommates. Marlene McKinnon. Much to Lily's dismay, she must have run over to her when she'd made her dramatic entrance. She looked up and scanned the room for any other potential onlookers. Thankfully, at this late hour it was only the two of them in the common room.

Holding Lily up, Marlene led her over to the fire, where she sat her on the long sofa that was usually taken by the boys. The boys. A jolt in her lower abdomen reminded her why she was in such a state. Of course, she needed her friends.

"Remus, where's remus?" Lily pleaded.
"He went up to his dorm about an hour ago, I'll go and get him." replied Marlene.

This was one of the few qualities of Marlene that Lily liked about her. She was a no bullshit type of girl. She never asked questions unless she knew the questions were okay to be asked. She wasn't your typical Hogwarts 'It' girl, never adding flame to fire with gossip. Whilst Marlene was her dorm mate, Lily never really saw much point in befriending her fellow fifth year. She had the boys and that was good enough for her.

In fact, Lily was a bit of a loner. She preferred the term independent, however, because she enjoyed her own company. She tried to befriend her roommates in the first year, to little success.

So Lily would spend the day alone, except at meal times where she would sit with Remus, Sirius, Pete and Jay; not out of choice though. Remus insists that she can't go a full day without speaking to someone or she would become 'melancholic'.

She watched Marlene's blonde ponytail swish from side to side in time with her long legs striding up the stairs to the boys dorm. Her skin tanned golden with a tanning charm that didn't have the same orange tint that muggle fake tan gave. She was rather attractive and had her fair share of admirers and adversaries both male and female alike. Lily thought she put too much effort into her appearance and not enough into her studies. Shallow was the word that came to mind.

Lily had started shaking despite the roaring fire in front of her, she wrapped herself into an upright fetal position and waited for Remus to come crashing down the stairs, followed by Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and James Potter; his three best friends that were more like brothers to each other and to Lily.

Each boy had obviously just been woken up, evident to their outfits; Remus' torso shining in the candlelight, scars trailing from his neck to his tracksuit shorts; Sirius' long black hair sitting around the shoulders of his muggle band t shirt; Peters burgundy dressing gown making him look chubbier than he actually was; James' white socks and boxer shorts contrasting his bare honey skin.

"What's going on?" They each speak simultaneously.
"Jinx!" Both Peter and Sirius proceed to punch each other in the arm.
"I'll just make myself scarce, night Lily, night boys" Marlene heads up to the dorm without any questions. Lily is once again grateful for Marlene's personality.

It wasn't until Marlene had left that Remus actually saw Lily; sitting by the fire in her fetal position, hands shaking, now sobbing so hard he had to cast a Muffliato charm so as not to wake the whole house up.

Remus was Lily's step brother of sorts. When her parents passed in third year, Remus' family took her in. The Evans family were close friends with Hope Lupin (Remus' mother), before they perished in a car accident, so she opened her house to Lily and took on guardianship of her.

They got on well and he was a good brother, Remus was always there for her when she needed him and stayed away when she didn't. Lily thought he was too protective, he was nothing however, compared to Sirius, Pete and Jay. Remembering this, she was reconsidering asking for the boys.

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