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Lily's lackluster body sat in the same position she had put herself into previously, as she listened to the boys quiz her on what had happened. It was like she was hollow, sitting inside her own head watching the boys on a delayed speech muggle television.

"Lily what's happened" Remus stood to the side of Lily trying to rouse her from her sobbing. 
"What the hell is going on?" Sirius sat next to Lily, clutching for her hand, which was quickly pulled away.
"Don't touch me" she screamed.
"What's up" Peter asked, seriously concerned now. He sat on the table opposite her, followed by James who had been silent, simply watching her, until now. "It was the Slytherins wasn't it? Give me a name now. I'll be back in ten minutes".
"Don't you dare James, you and Sirius are already on a week-long detention for your last encounter with the Slytherins!" Remus exclaimed frantically.
"I don't care, if they hurt Lily then they deserve to pay" James tried to stand up but was pulled back down by Peter.
"And how do you insist on 'making them pay' this time James? A bat bogey hex? Perhaps a Levicorpus jinx? Or a simple blasting curse?" Remus' voice gradually became a yell.
"Oh go to hell Remus" James spat back.
"Will you both stop it!" Lily rapidly stood up.

The boys hadn't seen the bruises until now. They covered her freckled arms like cheetah print. Rope burns on her wrists and blood in her fingernails. Gashes on her forehead and cheek. A black eye. This was nothing however, compared to the word that looked to have been carved into her chest. Blood dripped down her now ripped muggle t-shirt. Her emerald dress robes, reduced to burgundy stained shreds.

Remus stood in shock. Unable to form a simple sentence. Sirius beat him to it anyway- "What the fuck" he exclaimed. At that moment Lily's legs failed her, they began to give way. James caught her in his arms.

"We have to take her to the nurse!" he cried.
"N-no" Lily coughed out.
"Well we can't keep her here, someone is bound to come down to use the bathroom at some point" Peter pointed out
"James take her into our dorm and cast muffliato, I'll cast a locking charm when I'm up. We'll be right behind you" Remus instructed.

James carried Lily up the stairs wishing he had his invisibility cloak for a bit of extra protection in case they bumped into someone on the stairs.

When he reached the dorm he placed her on Remus' bed and handed her a blanket which she wrapped around herself. "What happened, Lils?" He questioned as soon as the others had made it into the room with them.

"I-I um..." Lily had begun to sob again. James tried to sit next to her but she recoiled so fast like a gunshot. He apologized for spooking her whilst Sirius sat himself on the trunk at the end of Remus' bed. Peter sat on his own bed and Remus was pacing the room.

"Please Lily start from the beginning, what happened?" Remus pleaded.
"I-I went to that party" lily muttered quietly.
"Lily, you didn't! I told you those people were bad news"
"And I told you not to go, in fact you promised me" James added
"Guys I don't think she fancies a lecture right now" Sirius chimed in.

Sirius was right in fact. The last thing Lily Evan's wanted at that moment was one of Remus' 'I told you so' lectures. Lily just wanted to sleep. She wanted to bury herself in the covers of the bed she was on and sink deep into a dreamless hole where she could forget about her life. She didn't want to talk about what had happened to her. She didn't want to talk at all, ever again. She wanted the earth to swallow her up and bury her alive. She didn't want death, no, she just wanted it all to stop forever.

"Go on Lily, you were saying" Peter encouraged her. She snapped out of her contemplation, longing for the nothingness of sleep.
"I went to the party. It was fine for a while. I danced and drank. But I-I think my drink had been spiked." She held back a sob that was caught in her throat. She inhaled and continued. "They took me into this side room, a study. I shouldn't have gone into the room. I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have gone at all! I forgot my wand as well! So, so stupid!". The sob had broken through now. James reached for her, this time Lily didn't pull away, she didn't have the strength. He cradled her like a baby.

"What happened in that room? Sirius was seething. Even usually placid Remus looked like he could punch a hole through the wall any minute.
"They stunned me and tie-tied me up" she stuttered, "I didn't have my wand..." "I didn't have my fucking wand!" She cried.
"It's okay, it's okay Lily, you don't have to say any more" soothed James
"No, you don't understand. I blacked out. I don't know what they did to me. I know bits and pieces but I was in that room for half an hour"
"Wh-who did this Lils?" James asked cautiously
"I don't know" she lied, "there were three of them"
"Lily we are so sorry" Sirius angrily wiped away a tear. Remus was still pacing. He had turned white in rage though he said nothing.
"Sorry? It's all my fucking fault. I went to a Slytherin party knowing what I am..."
"What you are? Questioned Peter.

Lily sat up, out of James' safe grasp. Unwrapped the blanket from around her shoulders revealing her neck and upper chest.

"This. This is what I am and what I always will be" she pointed towards her chest "a Mudblood". James was crying now and not trying to hide it like Sirius was.
"Don't you dare!" Roared Remus. Everyone was taken aback. This is the first he'd spoken since Lily had told them what happened. "Don't you dare call yourself that. You are Lily Evan's. You are clever and fierce and strong. You will not lower yourself to a racist slur" he crossed the room to sit next to her, pushing James almost off the bed.
"Why do they hate me so much Remus?" Lily all but whispered.
"They hate you because they don't know you. They're scared of you"

Lily felt the pull of sleep now more than ever. She wanted to lie down surrounded by the boys and sleep until next summer. She lay back on the bed.

"I'm going to make them know me" she said quietly "And they better be scared" she thought as she blacked out once more.

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