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"What do you think you're doing with some of the worst Slytherin's in our year?" Remus shouts uncharacteristically, chasing Lily down in the hallway.
"What does it have anything to do with you who I do and don't associate with!" She retorts, turning on Remus.
"That's not fair, you know I'm just looking out for you and your best interests! Meanwhile Avery and Mulciber, they do not have your best interests at heart!"
"I don't care what you think, you're completely biased towards anyone that isn't in Gryffindor!"
"More like I'm completely biased against anyone who holds a torch to a man that named himself 'the dark lord'"
"That's ridiculous Remus and you know it! Just because they're Slytherin does not mean they are in support of you know who!"
"I know a lot more than you think and you're just going to get yourself hurt. So don't come crying to me when the shoe drops." Remus storms away leaving Lily alone in the dimly lit hallway.

Lily proceeded to walk to class in deep thought. What had Remus meant about knowing more than she knew? They had the same classes, same upbringing, in fact she was a better academic than him. She would know more than Remus!

What Lily didn't know is that she had been sheltered her entire life. What she knew about the brewing war outside of school was very little. She was a bit naive in that sense. Remus and the boys made damn sure she wasn't even spoken to about her muggle born heritage, never mind bullied about it!

The thing is, Lily was only tutoring the Slytherin boys for extra credit in Charms, her favorite subject. Professor Flitwick had promised her an O (Outstanding) on her OWL coursework with the extra credit, as she had only achieved an E (Exceeds expectations). Lily had begged Flitwick and swore she'd do absolutely anything possible to get the remaining credits. She'd been too embarrassed to admit this to Remus, so he had come to his own conclusion that she had befriended the Slytherins.

Of course the rumor mill meandered its usual route through the school. A muggle-born  'befriending' Slytherins must mean that she fancies them, or worse, is shagging one of them.

Lily was walking to class when she was stopped by none other than Mulciber himself, the subject of her brothers' contempt.

"Lily. I've been asked by Lestrange to deliver a verbal invitation to his post slug-club birthday bash in the vanishing room tomorrow night".
"Me? A party? Lestrange? The vanishing room?".
"Well you have been rather helpful with our studies this past week and so we would like to extend the courtesy by inviting you. And yes, the vanishing room, on the seventh floor?" Mulciber looked bored of the conversation.
"Oh you mean the room of requirement! Yes I suppose I could stop by?" She said as if it was more of a question than an answer.
"Brilliant! Be there for half eight!" He smirks at Lily as he pushes past her, obviously not wanting to spend one more minute in the open with a Gryffindor.

Lily assumes the party is going to have some of her fellow classmates so she may as well go if not just to show her face.

She goes about her day as normal, silently walking from Potions to Divination, to Care of magical Creatures and Herbology. Refusing to speak to Remus after his outburst earlier, Lily chose to spend her lunch and tea time in the library. Favoring sneaking into the kitchens to ask Bobble the house elf to make her some food. She had managed to avoid the boys all day, when she crashed into Sirius climbing the common room staircase leading to the dorms.

"Careful there red! What's got you in such a rush?" Red was the boy's nickname for her.
"Sorry, can you move please" trying to push past him after he'd blocked the entire width of the staircase with his legs.
"Not until you tell me why you're avoiding us! Is it the BMZ stuff you girls have?" This only angered Lily even more. Sirius of course was referring to premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
"No Sirius if you must know I am not on my Period not that that has anything to do with my mood"
"Come on Lils, what's up?"
"Remus rounded on me earlier for what he doesn't know is me tutoring the Slytherins" she sighed.
"Ew, why are you tutoring the Slytherins"
"I knew you'd be the same as Remus, why did I bother trying!" Lily tries to walk past Sirius again with no success.
"Stop trying to get past and listen to me. The Slytherins are bad news. I don't care which ones. I trust that you can look after yourself but you don't know what they are like or what they have done-"
"That's enough Sirius!" Yelled James who had appeared at the top of the stairs, stopping Sirius mid sentence.
"Red, Mary told me that you were invited to that party..."
"Of course she did"
"She means well kiddo" Sirius pipes up, letting someone pass him on the stairs.
"Don't call me that!"

Mary Macdonald was another of Lily's fifth year roommates. She always wore her hair in a wild Afro fashioned with a patterned bandana tied into a bow. Her body was envied and desired throughout the school, with her hourglass figure and deep umber skin. Mary lived for scandals and rumors. If you needed information about anything Mary was the girl to ask.

Lily hated how her and Marlene (Mary's best friend) would take the limelight when it came to the boys. This wasn't a jealousy thing, no, it was more about the way the boys looked at the girls. Which was not the same way they looked at Lily. They looked at Lily with fierce protectiveness and reverence. They looked at Marlene and Mary with lust and apprehension. So maybe it was a jealousy thing.

"I really don't think you should go, I know Remus would agree with me as well!" James tried to reason with Lily.
"Like I told Remus earlier, I can spend my time with whoever I want, doing whatever I want and you guys need to stop trying to get in the way of that" with that, Lily finally managed to push past Sirius' legs and forced herself up the stairs in a huff.
"Red, please promise me you aren't going to that party" James was the final obstacle to bypass at the top of the stairs.
"Fine" Lily spits as she begins to climb the girls' dormitory stairs and slams the door closed in their faces.

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