Potter manor

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Lily reappeared in a daze; she stumbled backwards but was quickly straightened up by Remus. With his arm around her, they stepped out of the fireplace into a room decked floor to ceiling with hundreds of books both new and old. The oak brown shelving complementing the forest green walls; which were strikingly similar to Lily's emerald coloured irises (James had noticed). The windows were as tall as Remus, letting in vast amounts of sunlight which caused rainbow specs to reflect onto the opposing walls of the huge chandelier. The was a regal Victorian style desk in the center of the room and lamps dotted around next to arm chairs. Three, potentially one for each of the Potters.

As she took in the sight, she felt her stomach drop. She was in a study again. Her heart began to race, beating so loud she was surprised Remus couldn't hear it. Her body felt like there were a colony of bees inside, angry and itching to get out. Her legs were going to collapse soon, she thanked Merlin that Remus was still holding on to her. It was her hands that gave her away though; they shook violently.

"What's going on Lily, talk to me" Remus pleaded
"It's-it's a"
"It's a what?
"It's a study Remus" and with that she took a deep breath unknowing that she would have to fight for the next one. She was hyperventilating now. In and out she tried to think, but her mind was racing.
"Lily, breathe please. Copy me" Remus made exaggerated deep breaths for her to mirror. "Can you walk? We can leave this room"  Remus didn't realize that she couldn't move nor talk.

Meanwhile James and Sirius had just realized their mistake. "Shit" they had said simultaneously. They sprinted through the halls of the manor from the kitchen to the study, leaving a bewildered Peter behind.

The study doors burst open just as Lily was starting to get her breath back. James being the strongest of the boys scooped Lily up into his arms and removed her from the room.

"I'm so sorry Lils" James begged "Mum must have shut off the kitchen fireplace for whatever reason after Pete had come through. The only other Flu fireplace is in the study so that's where you two came out!" He was rambling now, obviously feeling extremely guilty.
"It's not your fault Jay" Lily replied, tears staining her face. She must have been crying and not have noticed.
"Can you stand?" He wiped away a tear from her face.
"Yeah I think so, would you mind just helping me stay upright?" With that, he gently put her down, making sure not to remove his hand from the small of her back to steady her.
"Are you okay now Red" Sirius asked. Lily had forgotten that the other boys were there, watching.
"I just need a lie down I think" replied Lily
"I'll show you to your room" James interrupted, "Remus, Mum was asking for you she's in the kitchen"
"I'll head there now" Remus responded

James led Lily through a couple of corridors and out into a large foyer. It was marble white with gold accents. The banisters and landing railings consisted of swirling black cast iron and once again, a grand chandelier sat in the middle of the ceiling. The room was so bright Lily had to shield her eyes whilst they got used to the light.

They climbed the black patterned, carpeted staircase. "Your room is on the third floor" James was making conversation but Lily wasn't in the mood for talking. "My room is on the fourth floor with Sirius; Remus and Pete will stay on the third floor with you whenever they're here". This caught Lily's attention.
"What do you mean, 'when they're here'?"
"Well Remus has told his mum that you're staying at a friend's house for the summer, so he still has to stay at home but he'll come and visit and sleep over some nights- Peter and Sirius too".
"So it'll just be me and you most of the time?" Lily questioned. James stopped in his tracks.
"Yeah I suppose, if that's okay?" He spoke cautiously.
"That's fine Jay... thanks, you know, for letting me stay"

Lily ate dinner in her room that evening. At some point, Remus came to her to say goodbye and that he'd try to visit as soon as mum let him. His absence felt like a lost organ; she couldn't function without him close by. Sirius and Peter came into her a bit later on to say the same thing.

James had left her alone most of the day, until he went to bed himself; mostly because he felt she needed the rest to heal both physically and mentally.

"Hey Lil's" James spoke through the door, "can I come in?" She didn't answer so he let himself in anyway.
"How're you doing? I mean... is there anything I can get for you before I go to bed?" Regretting his choice of question that had an obvious answer.
"No thanks Jay" she quietly responded
"Listen, I wanted to give you this, it's Sirius' but he let me borrow it on behalf of you." He was rambling again. "It's an enchanted mirror. If you need to speak to me at all, at any time, then just speak into the mirror and I'll appear in it." She didn't answer again, "I'll just leave it here on the dresser for you, g'night Lils".

Lily and James had a complicated relationship. He always seemed to be 'on guard' when she was around; not the same James she observed from a distance in class or in the common room. He was known to be an innate prankster and often performed jinxes on unknowing passerbys in the school hallways. Lily thought him a bit arrogant.
Yet he never really spoke to her unless absolutely necessary. In fact, he had spoken to her more in the last few days than he had in the past month. They didn't have the friendship Lily and Sirius had. He was more like a big brother to her.

Once he had left she climbed out of bed and examined the mirror. She felt something strange twinge inside her chest at the thought of his gesture. She got back in bed clutching the mirror to her chest.

She was exhausted; opting to lay on her side staring into the abyss, she didn't sleep. The memories came to her in sleep. Lily stayed this way for three days. But time had simply merged into a never ending blur.

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