The party

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Lily Evans was definitely going to that party; if anything fueled her fire at all it was spite. She went to bed that night with a strong sense of determination and awoke the next day with it.

She once again avoided the boys during the day, eating in the kitchens alone during meal times. Lily spent her History of Magic lesson planning a way to sneak out of the common room at half past eight. This included sneaking into the boys' dorm and 'borrowing' Jay's invisibility cloak whilst everyone was at dinner.

So when it turned eight thirty, Lily exited her room, threw the cloak over her head, and made her way past Remus, Sirius, Peter and James who had stationed themselves as lookouts.

She took the cloak off when she had reached the staircase outside of the common room and hid it behind a large suit of armor. Making her way up to the seventh floor she saw only a few students seemingly heading the same way as her. Perhaps this party was going to be more of a gathering?

When she reached the wall of the room of requirement, she paced back and forth thinking about the party she had been invited to. Sure enough a door materialized and she stepped through.

The room was painted green with slytherin decor hanging from the ceilings; a giant disco ball at its center. There was a table along the right hand wall full of food and drink, sofas lined the back and left hand wall. The place was bursting at its seams with students.

Lily had never been to a party before. Who was she kidding, she'd never even been to a gathering before! But this was certainly not a gathering as it looked like the whole of Slytherin was here. She immediately felt out of place and turned to find a quiet corner. Lestrange, who had seen Lily come in, had different ideas however. Sauntering over, he threw his arm around her shoulders and steered her towards his friends.

"Not so fast Lily. This is a party. Where people have fun and not sit in corners all night"
"I was merely looking for a drink Lestrange" she lied.
"I'll get you one after I've introduced you to my mates" they were walking towards the sofas at the back of the room "you obviously know Mulciber, Avery and Snape; this is Black, Wilkes and Rosier" they all smiled wicked grins at her as if Lily were the only one not in on the punchline.
"Hiya" she breathed regretting coming in the first place "about that drink Lestrange..." Lily figured some fire whisky would take the edge off.
"Ah yes of course I'll be back in just a minute" he walked away leaving her with the group of Slytherins.

Bellatrix Black approached her with a venomous smile on her face. "Care to dance?" She asked. Lily refused at first, but after some convincing by Severus Snape, the three made their way to the dance floor. They danced for a while, stopping every fifteen or so minutes to take shots of giggle water, until Wilkes and Rosier approached her. Not that Lily was aware, they had been staring at her the entire night.

"We've heard a lot about you and how you've helped Mulciber and Avery out with their studies" Rosier put a hand on her shoulder, shouting over the music.
"Well I didn't exactly do it out of the kindness of my heart- I get extra credit for doing it"
"Wilkes here has been meaning to ask you something" Rosier said ignoring Lily's previous statement. "I think he has a bit of a crush on you" he mouthed so Wilkes couldn't hear; all the while his hand was still on Lily's shoulder (as if to warn her about trying to leave).
"Shall we go somewhere more quiet, perhaps one of the side rooms?" Wilkes looked over to the left hand wall where a few wooden doors had suddenly materialized.

Sensing danger, Lily racked her brain for excuses to leave but she came up dry.
"Shall we?" Wilkes guided her towards the doors. Lily's internal alert system was going off now. She was about to be alone with a boy she barely knew. She cursed herself for forgetting her wand and her nonverbal magic was very limited as they were only fifth year.

"After you" he smiled. She turned as she walked through the door and noticed they were being followed by two other figures.

The room was dark and much like a study; kitted out with a desk, sofa, arm chair etc. She closed her eyes preparing herself for the confrontation she was about to have.

"Who are they? Lily asked, unsuccessfully hiding the fear in her voice.
"Oh they're just my friends, no big deal" he took a step inside the room simultaneously as Lily took a step back. The 'friends' stepped in and closed the door. "Now where were we, oh yes..." he took his wand out quicker than Lily could react "Petrificus Totalus".

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