Chapter Five - Reunited & Questions

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// <3 (only for the first quarter of the chapter)

Jayla's POV

I was lost in my own little world, until Izzie lifted my head up by placing her cold fingers under my chin. Her eyes were an 'amethyst' colour too, which made her even more stunning. We locked eyes for a couple of moments before we both leaned in at the same time, feeling our lips connect. I softly closed my eyes, kissing her deeply. It felt amazing...

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, causing Izzie to pull away with a small vampiric growl. "We're busy. If it's you, June, then fuck off." she hissed at whoever knocked, "Understood." June's muffled voice responded, before Izzie turned her attention back to me. "June is the vampire who made me faint?" I asked her, "No, sweetheart. She's an entity." she replied. A what?

"An entity? That means she doesn't exist but her body is still walking around? Like a zombie?" I began to ask multiple questions, which was disrupting our time. "No, she's not a zombie. Mora took her soul as a long term punishment." she told me. "Did June have a mate? What about them?" I asked, "Sweetheart, please..."

"I can't help asking questions, babe. I'm sorry." I ended up apologising to her, placing a kiss on her lips before I moved off the bed, grabbing my clothes and started to put them on again. 

"I have been craving you for..."

"We can continue it later, babe. Promise." I promised her, before I left the bedroom to meet Mora for the second time since we technically already met a few days ago. "If you are looking for Mora, then she's in her office. It's downstairs to the left, near the dining hall." June said as I passed her, causing me to follow those instructions as I went downstairs and found her office. "I already know it's you, Jayla. You can come in." I heard Mora's voice through the door, causing me to enter. I sat down at her desk, immediately having this feeling that I knew too well. 

"So, I guess my girlfriend told you about me, since you know my name?" I asked her, watching Mora smirk a little at that. "Yes, she has." she told me, "But, I know you want to talk to me about June, so go on. Ask me." she then added, wanting to get straight to the anxious part. Well shit...

"Did June have a mate? What will happen to them, since you apparently took June's soul?" I asked the question.

"June had two mates. They are still existing, as June is still technically here but not physically. I did take her soul, because she caught me in action." she told me, "Can you give her soul back?" I then asked her, "No. Once she has served her duties as my servant, she will disappear and her mates won't remember her." she said.

What in the fuck...?

I then stood up, disgusted by what she had just told me. "Does June remember her mates?" I asked her, "Why do you care?" she asked back darkly, until Izzie stormed into the office. 

"Did you just threaten my fucking mate?!" she hissed loudly. 

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