Chapter Six: The Court of Miracles

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Quasimodo had never been more worried in his life. Frollo knows where Maddie is? How? No one has ever been able to find the Court of Miracles is so how did Frollo find it? Phoebus came out from under the table.

"We have to find the Court of Miracles, before daybreak. If Frollo gets there first..." Quasimodo didn't do anything, "are you coming with me?"

"I can't," Quasimodo said

"I thought you were Esmeralda's friend."

"Frollo is my master. I can't disobey him again."

"She stood up for you. You've got a funny way of showing gratitude."

Phoebus paused while Quasimodo turned away.

"Well, I'm not going to sit by and watch Frollo massacre innocent people. You do what you think is right," Phoebus said before leaving.

Hugo, Laverne and Victor gave Quasimodo a look.

"What. What am I supposed to do? Go out there and rescue the girl from the jaws of death, and the whole town will cheer like I'm some sort of hero? Maddie already has her knight in shining armour, and it's not me," Quasimodo told them, "Frollo was right. Frollo was right about everything. I'm tired of trying to be something I'm not."

Quasimodo looks at his hand remembering what Maddie saw before looking at the still-burning figure of her. That's also when Quasimodo remembered Esmeralda gave him a talisman to show him the way to the Court of Miracles. Victor handed him a cloak.

"I must be out of my mind!" Quasimodo took it and went after Phoebus.

At ground level, Phoebus is exiting the cathedral. No sooner has he stepped outside, Quasimodo hops in front of him.

"Phoebus!" Phoebus shouts out in surprise, "I'm coming with you!"

"I'm glad you changed your mind," Phoebus said.

"I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for Maddie."

"You know where she is?"

"No, but she said this would help us find her," he pulls out the talisman and hands it to Phoebus.

"What is it?" Phoebus asked after acting like this was a great clue.

"I'm not sure."

"Hmm. Must be some sort of code. Maybe it's Arabic. No, no, it's not Arabic. Maybe it's ancient Greek..."

"When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand," Quasimodo repeated what Maddie said.


"It's the city!"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's a map!" Quasimodo points out where everything is the centre, "see, here's the cathedral, and the river, and this little..."

The two start talking over each other, arguing about who is right about the talisman being a map or not. After a deep breath from them both, ending the argument, Phoebus gave in.

"All right, okay. You say it's a map, fine, it's a map. If we're going to find Maddie and Esmeralda, we have to work together. Truce?" Phoebus lightly pats him on the back.

"Well...okay," Quasimodo slaps Phoebus' back who winces in pain, "Sorry."

"No, you're not," Phoebus said as they followed the map to the Court of Miracles.

They walked a long way from Notre Dame before arriving at an old graveyard. In the middle stood a tomb with a cross on it. The same cross that is on the talisman. Quasimodo pulled off the lid to reveal stairs into the dark. They travelled down. They reached the bottom which was full of skulls, skeletons and sewage. It was the old catacombs that travel all over Paris. No one visits them anymore due to flooding, the fact that it's like a labyrinth, it was used as a grave and that you can get easily lost.

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