○Chapter 8 ○ Vacation! Yay!

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"A vacation? Seriously? During this period of time?" I groaned in disbelief.

"Of course. You deserve a break," Ai said.


"WAIT? ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE THE AI-KUN I KNOW AND LOVE?!" I shouted then blushed when I accidentally said the last part.

"Yes. I am 100% the Ai-kun you know," he said. "You will be using your vacation time to look at the scenery and such to improve your writing."

"Oh," I sighed.

Thankfully he didn't say anything about the last part... That would have been embarrassing...

"When are we leaving?" I asked.



"TOMORROW?!" I shouted.

"Baka. Shut up. I am trying to play," he said with his eyes glued on his computer screen.

Ugh. Ai and his obsession for video games.

"All right, then I will go an d pack..." I sighed and got my luggage out.


This is where we are staying?!

It was a large resort.

"Come on Haruka! Let's go check out our room!" I said excitedly and pulled Haruka.

"Calm down Yuriko!" Haruka shouted in protest. "We have to wait for the rest."

I sighed and slumped down on the bench and started pouting.

"Hey Miharu, when will they be here?" I asked.

"They'll be here soon," Miharu replied.

I sighed and continued pouting.

"The boys are so slow..." I whined.

"We're here!" Syo called out and I saw the members of Quartet Night and the remaining members of Starish walking towards us.

"Slowpokes!" I exclaimed and pointed at them.

"Sorry Yuri-chan! There was a traffic jam," Reiji apologized with another of his cheerful smiles which totally did not change my mood.

"Yeah right. I bet you guys were slowed down by Reiji's fangirls," I sighed. "I guess it was a good thing I took the taxi with Haruka, Miharu, Tsubasa and Kyouichi. After all, they aren't as famous as you all."

"Ouch," Tsubasa whined.

"Come on guys, let's go to our rooms!" Haruka suggested.

"All right! Yay!" I exclaimed cheerfully and ran off to the lobby. "Race y'all!"


"Ah~ I finally get a room for myself!" I exclaimed cheerfully.

I started unpacking, then suddenly the door opened.


I turned around and saw Ai enter the room.

"Um, Ai this is my room..." I said.

"We are still staying in the same room together," Ai replied.

"Eh?! B- But there's only one bed!" I said in my defense and started blushing.

"Oh so there is... I will call the reception and ask if we can get another bed." Ai said calmly.

"Oh- Okay," I replied and Ai went to call the reception. When he returned after a few minutes , he said, "They can't do anything about it."


"So we have to sleep together?" I asked, blushing like crazy.

"Is there a problem? The bed is big enough to fit both of us," he said.

"Yes! Of course there is! I have no problem if we are sleeping in the same room... B-But sleeping in the same bed is just... Way too much!" I said.

"How is it too much?" he asked.

Sigh. Ai... You are too darn inoccent. I have to get Father to install some common sense into you...

"Nevermind..." I sighed. "By the way, who else is staying in this resort?"

"Mainly idols and composers. I know Heavens is staying here currently too," Ai replied.

"Heavens?" I asked.

"They are a band who are under the Raging Entertainment," Ai said.

"Heavens... I wonder how they are like..." I wondered.

I fell in love with a Robot [Mikaze Ai]Where stories live. Discover now