○Chapter 21○Repeat of the Past?

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After the concert, Ai and I met Reiji, Miharu, Kyouichi and Tsubase backstage. If you have forgotten who the last three were because it has been some time since they were last seen, they are a recently debuted band who are under the teaching of Starish.

"That was a great performance you guys!" Reiji said in glee.

"Thank you Reiji," I replied with a smile.

"Yuriko-senpai! You were awesome!" Miharu squealed. "You should come watch our concert!"

"I hope our concert can be as good as yours Mikaze-senpai and Otsuka-senpai," Kyouichi said.

"I'm sure it will be," I replied with a smile.

"Let's celebrate your debut song's success!" Tsubasa exclaimed.

"Well, we better get back to the house," I said. "By the way, has Starish and the rest of Quartet Night already left?"

"Yeah they said they had work," Reiji replied.

"All of them?" I asked.

"Yeah," Reiji replied.

"Oh, then I guess we can all celebrate at night when everyone is home," I said happily.

Ding! That was my phone. I took it out and glanced over the screen. It was a message from Father.

"Yuriko, please do not do a repeat of the past." That was what he messaged me. My smile curled down to a frown.

Repeat of the past? What does that mean? Could it be the life Aine and that girl? But, what is this repeat?

"Yuriko, we are heading off now," Ai tapped on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I smiled again and replied, "All right."


We were reaching back to the house, but then I realized something. It was a Sunday night... Why do they have work? Something was up...

"Yuriko, are you okay?" Ai asked.

"Yeah, just a little suspicious. It's a Sunday night, why would they be working still?" I asked. From a corner of my eye, I saw Reiji flinch a little. Yup, something is up. Just going to hope it is nothing bad...

"We're back!" Miharu exclaimed as the car pulled in to a stop. We got out of the car, strolled towards the door. With my heart in my mouth, I opened the door...

"Congratulations!" A chorus of applause was heard, confetti blown at us

"Huh?" I muttered out as I glanced around the familiar faces in the light. The rest of Quartet Night and Starish were there. "You guys..."

"We wanted to surprise you guys!" Haruka said.

"So you guys did this for us?" I asked.

"Yup! We watched your concert over on the television. It was awesome!"

"Thank you," Ai replied.

"So is it true, that both of you are dating?" Syo asked.

"E-Eh? W-Where did you hear that? W-We are not..." I replied, stuttering a lot.

"We are," Ai confirmed it.

"A-Ai!" I squeaked.

"What's wrong? Everyone knows already," Ai said.

"Yup, Shining had came earlier to tell us about it."

I sighed and face palmed mentally. Of course he did that and didn't tell us...

"Hey Yuriko, want some cake? We bought it at the store so don't worry. Natsuki didn't bake them," Syo asked and handed me a plate

"Cake? Yes!" I replied and took it. "Thank you."

"Come on in we have loads prepared for you two," Miharu exclaimed and pushed me in. There were tables of sweets and drinks lined up and it made my eyes sparkle.

"Can eat them all?" I asked.

"Huh? Of course, Yuri-senpai," Miharu replied. Once given consent, I ran towards the table and started to munch on the sweet food.

"Eat slowly, I don't want a problem to happen in your program, do you?" Ai asked.

"I'm perfectly fine, Ai," I replied happily as I finished my plate. "Full... So full..."

"That was too quick..." Ai said.

"Hehe, the food was just really good," I replied. "Did you cook it, Ran-Ran?"

"Yes," Ranmaru replied. "I am glad you liked it."

"We helped out too," Otoya said.

"Don't worry, I was in charge of keeping Natsuki far away from the kitchen," Syo saluted.

"I really wanted to help out, but no one let me," Natsuki whined.

"You would destroy all the food," Syo scolded.

"Pfft," I started to laugh. "Thank you, everyone."

My body was starting feel a little tired, like it was overheating. Probably from all the practicing and the live concert today. I cannot just suddenly collapse here, they will find out I am a robot... Just like Ai... Not that there's anything wrong, but... I don't want them to be bothered by a problem that I can't remember.

"Hey guys, I am feeling a little tired, so I will be returning to my room now," I said.

"Understandable," Tsubasa replied. "You did have a tiring day, senpai."

"Good night everyone," I waved good bye and left to my room and Ai followed me for some reason. I decided to pretend not to notice it and walk to our room.

"Why are you pretending not to notice me?" He asked.

"Well... Wait! You noticed?" I asked.

"Your movements are really clear, you are fidgeting a lot more," Ai replied. Was I fidgetting? Ah, as expected of my best friend and lover. He can tell so easily.

I turned around and replied in an uncertain tone. Honestly, even I don't know why I pretended not to notice him. "Because it is rude I suppose?"

"Isn't it ruder to ignore someone?" Ai questioned.

"Well... That's true..." I replied as I open the door to our room and entered. I headed to my bed and took a seat, trying to think of an excuse.

"Also, your condition is getting worse, you should go see your father," Ai said.

"It's all right... I am just tired..." I replied with a half-hearted smile. Ding! I got an email. I took my phone out and checked who it was from.

From: Unknown.

Huh? What could this be? I thought and opened the email. What I saw sent a chill down my system. I froze for a moment and felt nothing. Nothing at all.

Was it a result of my fatigue? Or a trigger of 'my' past?

Either way, I found myself drowning again in darkness...

A/N: Hello everyone, did you wait long? Sorry, I got a little unmotivated, but we are reaching the climax. Hehe, what do you think was in the email? And who is it from? Find out in the next chapter, I suppose.

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