○Chapter 18○ Strange Dream

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I opened my eyes and found myself in a park, however I had no recollection of how I got here. As I tried to recall how I got here, a familiar girl and boy stepped into a view at the opposite bench. They looked extremely familiar as if I met them before.

Isn't that... AI AND ME?!

But that's not me... And Ai never lets his hair down so who is that? Then, who is the girl? It can't possibly be me... I never met Aine before.

"Yuri, I love you, you know that?" The boy said.

Yuri? Is that the girl's name? It is so close to my name.

"I know that Aine... You say it a lot," Yuri replied. Her face showed little emotions, she could not have possibly be me.

"We will be together forever," Aine said earnestly and hugged Yuri.

Yuri didn't seem to believe him so she replied, "Don't be stupid. There isn't such thing as forever."

Aine laughed and replied, "There will always be a forever as long as you are here with me."

Why does this make my heart beat so fast? But it also makes me frown.

"Liar..." a voice echoed in my head. It was sad and cracking.

The surroundings began to change. It looked like the backstage of a concert hall.

Yuri and Aine was there again. Yuri was smiling, congratulating Aine, while Aine seemed pretty uneasy.

"That was awesome!" Yuri's voice cheered.

"Let's break up." Aine said suddenly. He glared at Yuri. Yuri froze and did not know how to answer.

She managed to mutter out, "W-What?..."

Aine said again in a much serious tone, "I said let's break up."

"B-But you said we will be together forever..." Yuri said in a shaky voice.

Aine started to laugh, "Did you seriously believe that? You are too simple!"

Yuri started tearing up and clenched her fist.

"Why?" She asked.

"I am an idol now, I can't be seen with such trash," he replied.

The girl released her fist.


"I see so I am regarded as trash to you too. I was just a tool to you too," the girl's voice rang in my head.

Then, she walked away.

"I see... Sorry for wasting your time then... "

"You lied..." the voice echoed sadly.

The surroundings became darker and darker.

I saw the same girl leaning against the wall. On the floor was a knife with blood on it and a couple of loose pills. She was crying. And as I saw this scene, I felt numb... Then she looked up. I looked into the eyes and gasped. They were dead.


The surroundings changed again. It was the beach. They were standing in the seas, the water was reaching up to their knees.

"Hey..." She said.

"What are you doing here?" The boy asked in shock.

"Sorry... I JUST WANT TO LOCK AWAY MY FEELINGS FOR YOU FOREVER" she shouted and started the drown the boy.

"S-Stop it!" He stuttered and pulled the girl in with him.

"N-No!" She said and was pulled in.

Then, I felt myself drowning as well. Like I was being pulled into the dark depths of the sea.

"Help me please..." The voice said. "I can't take these emotions anymore..."

Who was that? I thought and glanced around the water. It looked like there was light at the other side. I went against the pulling force and swam towards it, finding myself facing my own reflection in the mirror. No, it was not my reflection. It was that girl. She was on the floor looking down, her eyes were lifeless.

"Who are you?" I asked the girl in the mirror. Then, I recalled the boy. "Who was he? Why did he look like Ai, but acts so differently from the Ai I know?"

She looked at me and muttered, "I see. They made replacements... As for the boy... He was the man you loved so badly. Then he broke you."

"Replacements? The man I love? Broke me?" I questioned. "Who exactly are you? Why are you showing me these dreams?"

"Ask your father, if you wish to know so badly," she replied and disappeared. The mirror did not even show my own reflection anymore, nor did I have a shadow.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the short chapter, but I did not know what else is necessary to add into the dream. Sorry ><

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