Chapter 6:Dinner

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Arya's POV:
It's been 30 days since my engagement,15 days when I last talked to my fiancé.and 1 month since I last visited my office in London aka my home. I had to go back I can't stay more here this place gives me flashbacks of someone I didn't need.but I had to stay for 2 more months.bhai's wedding was after 1 week so of course nobody was letting me sit in peace. Mumma had called and told me that I had to go shopping whit bhabhi.
*ting,ting* mumma's name flashed on the screen.
"Hello,je koi kaam tha?" (Hello, do you need any help?)
"Suno shopping ka plan cancel hogaya hai abhi ghar ao" (listen, the shopping plan is cancelled just come home right now)
And she cut the call she never lets me finish but I need to leave what if theirs an emergency. I took my keys and rushed to my car.
When I reached home what mama said made me irritated.
"We are going for dinner at the singhania's they have invited us,so go get ready."
"Isliye bulaya apne mujhe?"
(That's the reason you called me?)
"Nahi dance karne ke liye bulaya tha ab jao tayar ho"
(No,I called you to dance now go and get ready )

Ajeeb log.
(Weird people)
I got ready I wore simple light blue kurti because I didn't have anything else to wear,what can I do I'm just a girl.
This was the first time I was going to my in-laws house. When I saw the mansion from outside damn these people are rich.
But I'm no less💅.
Just as I entered to face the bastard himself. He gave an awful smile in front of my parents. While I maintained my poker face. I should've been upset from him when he snapped his anger on me but I wasn't.

Narazgi unse hoti hai Jo manane ay,Jab koi manane wala he nhi tou kis cheez ke narazgi?

(Resentment is caused by the one who celebrates, when there is someone who celebrates, then what is the resentment of?)
I greeted uncle aunty as we sat down on the dinner of course I had to sit beside the bastard,alone.
The dinner had started and I don't know why but bhai was continuously staring at aditya more like glaring.
That's when once again my phone rang and everyone's attention turned towards what should I do? should I go and pick up the call?
"Beta why don't you go to side and take the call" Mr.Rajesh spoke a sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I went to the side I saw eva calling me something might be wrong she never calls me on my private number.
"Hello, everything alright?"
"No,you need to return right now" she spoke in a worried tone.
"What's wrong eva calm down and tell everything" I was trying to calm her down but me myself was freaking out,
"Look theirs no time to explain someone hacked your private laptop and stole our designs for the upcoming award show for which we were working on since the past 7 months."
Anger rushed through my veins as I heard Eva's words at the moment I felt as if I was gonna pop any second the urge to destroy everything and trash everything around me started growing. But then I remembered I'm not at my apartment.
"" I had to remain calm but if I didn't get out of this place in the next few minutes I would destroy this place.
"If I knew I wouldn't have called you,listen to me calm yourself down the jet from which you came to India is still their and the jet is ready wherever you are run if you don't get here in last 24 hours our company might have a downfall"
I hanged up.
Just fucking wow.
Now I had to go in front of everyone and tell them  I need to go.
What a perfect timing eva.
I took 2 deep breaths to calm myself and walked towards the table and gave and awkward smile.
"Do you wanna say something?"ayaan asked.
"Actually...vo.......I..." I tried to say but Rajesh uncle cut me off.
"Bache if you wanna say something just speak nobody will say anything to you"
"I need to go to london right now"I spoke nervously.
"Right now?,like right right now" mama asked raising her eyebrows at me.
"Yes,actually their is an emergency"
"So beta how will you go alone,your tickets and all"rajesh uncle asked once again,it felt nice that he was concerned about me ;).
"I have managed that" I need to get out of here.
"Aditya will drop you" his mother spoke.
Oh hell nah I was gonna go with him but did have a choice?no. I was really losing it now.I didn't have time argue so I just nodded and moved out.
Shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.Shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit. Shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit. Shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.shit.
And I lost it.
I kicked the first thing I saw. It was someone's bike.
Just as I was kicking it someone pulled me by my waist.rage was taking over me once again.I turned to aditya standing there.
"Relax woman I can't leave you otherwise you'll hit my baby again" baby?was he calling this bike baby? Seriously.
"I will kill you" I said as he left me.
"Your hand cant even reach my head how the hell will you kill me woman"
I glared at Him and he took the drivers seat in my car.yeah we were going in my car.
"You looked like a raging bull cheriè" did he just call me a bull?
"Quit that cheriè cheriè, and how dare you call me a bull?"
"I did not meant it that way" he should shut up before I actually take out my pocket knife and stab him.
"Shut up" the car ride was silent after that.
As we reached the airport he spoke.
"I'm coming with you" can he not joke all the time.
"Your work is done leave now"
"I'll call mama you talk to her and you'll get your answer" now who's mother is he talking about. He dialled a phone no.
"Hello aunty,Arya" I immediately understood he was talking to my mother.and snatched the phone before he can speak further
"Hello mama why is he coming with me?"
"It's good you both can spend time together"
I'm going there to work not to spend time whit this asshole.
Hey lovelies I updated the new chap now don't wait and vote. The fun has just started 💋💘

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