Chapter 17:Lov3.

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Arya's POV:
I was working from home now. Its been a quite long time I visited london, I was thinking to visit but then this trip to manali but now we were back.
I well I mean it was an mistake. I need to message him now until he gets better because I broke his nose. I mean I didnt knew i would be that strong I didn't actually want to break his nose.
His confessions had hit me hard but I knew I couldn't trust anyone and love wasn't for me.
He might have must have just said this because he felt pity on me or something.
Or it might some of his revenges.
He hadn't talked to me about the night I broke down in his embrace.
I tried.
I tried really hard to be strong.
But I couldn't.
I was weak.
And he was my weakness.
He broke the walls around my emotions which i constructed so carefully that my own loved ones weren't able to break it.
But i just couldn't handle it on my own.
I tried so hard.
So fuvking hard.
That I lost myself in the process.
It hurts.
It hurts to much.
But still I try.
I try my best to be strong.
And if aditya thinks he can melt me with his sweet honey like words and his sweet acts.
Yes i might have fallen for him.
But its a matter of time,the feelings would eventually leave.
But loving someone once more.
Trusting someone.
Getting attached to someone.
I can't do it.
I won't.
I have already hurted my self enough.
If somebody betrays me once I would die.
But I wont feel the pain.
Love is fake.
It is just fake shit.
People are shit.
They are cruel.
Some of them dont deserve love.
Neither do I.
And if he actually feels something for me I would still distance myself from him because aditya desreves someone way more better then me.
I would break his heart.
I gripped my hair feeling frustrated.
Why does my brain think this much.
God i need a break.
I opened my phone to text aditya an sorry,the poor guy didnt deserve _______________________________________
sorry about your nose.
Singhania. :
God woman shut up.
Singhania. :
This is the 1097865th time you've said sorry.
you shut up,still sorry.
Singhania. :
What if i dont forgive you?
Bhad mai jao.
(Go die)
Singhania. :
Apke sath aye bhad mai bhi chal lenge,hukum tou kare.
Kara tou hukum dafa ho ab.
God why is this guy so hard.
But he is cute
'Apke sath aye bhad mai bhi chal lenge hukum tou kare.'
(I would even go in the trash for you,just order)
His text replayed in my mind, I felt heat rushing up to my cheeks.
Whats wrong with me.
Dont make me fall for you aditya you would regret.
Time skip to 4 days later.
Aditya has been trying so hard.
Like hard hard.
And by now it was confrimed that he had actually fallen for me.
God knows what he has not done.
He sent dozens of gifts,flowers and what not. I glanced at the pile of stuff he sent.
I had fallen for him.
I wasn't accepting this but I knew I had fallen for him.
Because now i look at him with admiration.
He was like a beacon of light in my life, illuminating even the darkest corners with his unwavering positivity.
His confidence and charm were magnetic, drawing me in and leaving me in awe of his every word and action.
Whenever doubt clouded my mind, his unwavering support and encouragement lifted me up, propelling me forward with renewed determination.
His genuine care and love made me feel seen and understood in a way I had never experienced before.
Aditya made me cherish every moment I had spent with him. In his presence, I found solace, the one which I always looked for.
His presence gave me a strange feeling.
The solace I had been searching for years. I felt as if i found it.
He was bringing color to my dark life.

*incoming call,SINGHANIA.*
My phone rang bringing me out of my chain of thoughts.
"Hey chèrie, remember you said you loved lindor so now you can have it anytime you want for free." I heard his excited voice from the other side.
"What do you mean aditya?"
"Oh I Bought it for, you said you loved it didn't you"
"Alright so will you send it to my office?"
"What do you mean by send it?" He questioned.
"Aditya you bought chocolate for me right?"
"Uhm. No?"
"What do you mean no?"
"I bought the company for you, you said you loved it so now you can have it anytime you want" wait-what?
Did i hear him right? IS THIS GUY MAD OR WHAT?
"Crazy in love with you"
"Come home now! AND RETURN THAT COMPANY." I screamed at him and hanged up.
Ok i get it hes a billionare but this is to much is he crazy or what.
I heard a knock on my bedroom door.
Aditya entered as I granted him permission.
"Hii" he smiled as if he was the most innocent person ever.
"Kya hi? Pagal ho? Akal nhi hai tumhare andar?"

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