Chapter 8:Screams

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Tw: Panic attack
Aditya's POV:
I was really bored sitting in arya's picture perfect apartment I couldn't even do anything.So I searched her companies location.I entered the building.
"Ms.aryas cabin?" I asked the receptionist standing. Eva her name tag said,she might be chèrie's assistant.
Why am I calling her cheriè? Because it pisses her off.
"Uhm mr.singhania sorry but you need an appointment do you have one?" Do I need one?
"No,I'm her fiancé" an "o" formed on her face.
"Sorry I didn't know,27th floor do you need me to guide you?"
"No" as I walked to the lift I felt all eyes on me and several gasps.What the hell is so shocking?
'CEO:Arya Malhotra' her cabin had glasses on the side of door I peaked to see her on her knees?!
What in actual hell.
"Please please save me"
"Take this monster out"
"Someone save me"
"I...I'll die"
"I'll die Save Me"
Her heart wrenching screams echoed in the room. It felt as if someone was stabbing knifes in my heart.
I bent down to hug her she kept mumbling stuff. At that time I understood she was having a panic attack. But why?
"Hey it's alright you won't die I'm here" it's the best I can do after all she's my fiancé I ain't that heartless.
"No,no he will take me away save" who will take her.
"Nobody will take you as long as I'm with you"
"No no he's doing it again I can't I can't..I'm trying..l...l I cant repeat eva's words" which words?
"Repeat them"
"I..I.i cant"
"Repeat them cheriè"
"He..he's playing with my mi..indd" who the hell tried to hurt her?
"Yes. Relax nobody will hurt you,the guy is playing a game with your mind"
" he will take me he was here"
"Bache,nobody he's here it's only you and me."
"I..I can't breathe"
"Bacha relax,take a deep breath no one can take you from me."
"No,no Aditya he will take me you don't understand"another scream.
"Nobody can take can you bache"
"He..he will claim me,steal me he will take me"
"Take a deep breath,your mine my fiancé mine to claim not his and I will make sure of that"
And she collapsed right there in my hand.
" she ok?what's wrong?" I turned to see Eva standing there in shock.
"She had a panic attack I'm taking her to the hospital give me her car keys"
I picked her up in my arms and rushed downstairs. I made her sit on the passenger took out the nearest hospital's location. I had to hurry up.
What if something happens. I glanced at her. Her dark-brown eyes swollen red from the crying.her bunny nose all red. Seeing her like this I felt ache in my heart even though I had no connection with her.
I was driving really we reached the doctor was currently checking up on her.
"Who is with ms.arya?"the doctor came out,
"Is she alright?" I was genuinely worried,why? I don't know.
"Yes sir she had a severe panic attack and problems in breathing I have given her an IV, it's seems she may have had an unwanted flashback of her past which might have traumatised her I suggest she visits a therapist,you can go inside now"
I mumbled a small thank you. What might have traumatised her so bad? And if it did why did she not visit a therapist? Does anybody know about this?
I went inside to her lying on the bed with a few strands of her hair on her face,her eyes still swollen a little and an IV attached to her inner elbow.
Her eyes eyes opened a sigh of relief washed over my face as she spoke.
"What am I doing here?" She tried to get up.
"Shut up and lay down cheriè"
""she thinks I'm afraid of her.
"Do you remember what happened?"
"Uhm yeah I was in my cabin when abhimaan left and I was working on my laptop then I guess I slept I don't remember"she stared at me as she started to think. Her eyes widened as it hit her.
"Let's not talk about it" she turned to lay down back.
"Are you ok? Do you want to eat something" I'm not worried just just asking so her brother doesn't kill me.
"Why were you in my cabin"
"Because I was bored at your house" i didn't tell her that I broke a vase.
"Are you hungry"
"Yeah" I know that so I ordered it before she woke up.
Suddenly a nurse came in "sir if she's eating something you should feed her so her IV doesn't move".
I? Huh nice joke.
I won't feed her.
But I have to.
"Give me the food I'll eat it by myself" huh right.
"What do you mean no?" no means no is she dumb?
"Did you not hear what the nurse just said?"
"I did but I don't need you I'll eat myself" she'll eat herself?
"I-i mean I'll eat by myself" like I'll let her.
"If you do that I'll call your brother and tell him everything that happened" she glared at me.
"Then Bring the food,who the hell are you waiting for?" She shouted frustrated an smirk automatically appeared on my face.
"What is this?"🤦🏻
"Please wear your glasses,This IS food." I was just messing with her.
I started to feed her we had literally had a staring contest .
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"What the hell have you done! Did I not tell you to NOT touch anything." She ran towards her bookshelf.
Yeah I forgot when the vase broke I by mistakenly dropped this book of hers as well I just forgot about it.
"Look I respect your books,I just forgot to pick it up"
"And WHERE THE HELL IS MY VASE?" Shit! That totally slipped out of mind.
"Uhm.. about that look I was bored so I swinging my legs on the sofa i have no idea when my foot hit the vase and it.....Uhm...broke?" Her eyes widened at my statement.
"YOU BROKE MY VASE?" she need an hearing aid aswell.
Asshole she just had a panic attack do you not even care?
My inner voice reminded me.
"Look I'm sorry it was mistake" her eyes got all teary.
"I hate you, please leave" she shouted and went to the room angrily shutting the door with a bang.
Was that vase special? I didn't mean to make her cry. It was a mistake. Did I hurt her.
I mean I can fix it I can just you know fix it. If I just take the pieces and Join them.
I should do that.
Arya's POV:
He broke my vase.
The one vase which was more important to me than my life.
That vase.
He broke it.
It's gone.
The one thing I was told to keep safe.
And I couldn't even do that.
What a piece of shit I'm.
He broke it.
It's shattered.
Tears were streaming down my face I can't even do one thing properly.
I was told to keep that vase safe and I couldn't even do that.
I'm failure,
I heard a knock on the door. What does he want now?
I washed my face and opened the door to see him standing there with the vase taped up and 2 strands of roses in.
He fixed it? With tape. Did he just spend a hour fixing the vase for me?
"Look I swear I didn't break it intentionally, I fixed it I didn't know it was special."he said looking at me with guilt in his eyes.
"Thank you"I took the vase from him and kept it where it was,
Was he making efforts?but why isn't this relationship unwanted.
Hey y'all so if you see my baby aditya is making a lot of efforts for his 'enemy' you know😋. And don't think that arya is such a cry baby that she's crying over a vase so let me clear one thing that vase has a backstory which you will get to know soon,so just don't hate her for that. Vote and follow on insta; zohawritess for spoilers💋🫶🏻. And I changed ayaan's name to ahaan (aditya's brother)

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