Chatper 12:flowers

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Arya's POV:
"Come in" Eva entered my cabin with a bouquet larger than her. I had booked a flight for eva to come to India because I'm certainly an human and can't deal with everything alone.
"Your fiancé has sent this" eva kept the bouquet on table and winked at me.
"What is wrong with you go and do your work!" Why do I get the most stupid people.
I inspected the bouquet of red tulips and observed a note attached to it.
"Got your fav flowers :),
Sorry for ignoring you that day I know you're still upset. Let me answer your question why I was ignoring you.I thought you didn't wanna talk to me so I thought it was better if we maintained distance never meant to make you feel like that. So to make it up let's go on a road trip :)? Kabir's idea not mine.
-the handsome smart Aditya"
Handsome?! This guy thinks he's handsome? Ew. I mean he's not that bad ok yeah he looks like a god damn Greek god but he's definitely not smart alright he's dumb as a piece of shit.
Did you get the flowers?
yes, why did you send them?
For you to smash your head on them.
Haha very funny.
So? Did you think about the road trip?
Where to?
Ask Kabir.
Go to hell
what does he think of himself arrogant,jerk,bastard.
And how the hell am I supposed to ask Kabir it's not like I have his contact or something. Then he calls himself smart idiot.
I opened my phone to see a Instagram request from Kabir,ahaan and zaina. I sent request back which was immediately accepted by all 3 zaina barely had any posts or highlights meanwhile ahaan and kabirs accounts were full of posts.
"Hi bhabhi Kabir here, please pack your bags we are going to Manali" a message from Kabir.
"A trip to Manali?! Isn't that a long way"
"Well we are flying,bhai will pick you up tomorrow 5:00pm"
Of course had to go even though I didn't want to,my phone rang again what is wrong with people today why are they so disturbing.
"Hello yes noorie?" I heard sobs from her side.
"He...hello,h...e he di..d i..t a..agai..n" her voice trembling as she spoke. Noor had an abusive father as much as I tried to save her he always did something he's a fucking asshole he would've never letted her study medical if he knew he thinks he she studies law.
"Noorie calm down,where are you?"
"M..y.. ap...apratmen..."
"I'll be there with abhi hold on alright" I swear to god if something happens to her I'll beat the shit out of that guy.
Once we reached her house the door was opened there was my sunshiny girl all pale on the ground hugging her body.
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"So.....? Should I go?" I was hoping my parents to say no for the trip with my in-laws.
"Of-course that's such an amazing thing!" My mouthed shouted yeah of course it's an amazing thing for her.
The bell rang,looks like the bastard is here.
"Hi bhabhi you look so pretty" I opened the door to find 3 giant men standing on my door step.
"Thank you,you're also looking good Kabir"
"Are you ready shall we go?" Ahaan questioned and I nodded.
I looked back to Aditya trying to take my suit case.
"I can do it myself" and then he just snatched it from.
"I know but let me do it for you" does he he have a mental personality disorder or something?
"So bacho there is problem,there is not enough space" Rajesh uncle as he came out the car.
"Bhabhi can sit on bhai's lap" zaina said making my eyes wide. What is wrong with these siblings.
"I don't think so" no way I'll be doing that shit all eyes turned on me as I said that.
"You guys are engaged so come on get in the car we don't have a problem" wtf,oh no way that's happening.
"What are you doing say something" I elbowed him and he just shrugged as if it is the most normal thing in the world.
"Come on get in" I stomped his foot. Really hard. So that he gets the shit in his head that we can't sit like that.
"A-ouch" he glared at me.
"We'll go in another car,right?" I looked at him innocently.
"Yeah-yeah sure"
"We'll come with you"
And with all of young ones were in my car.
Aditya's POV:
I told ahaan to drive we would take turns no way I'm driving 17hours,Kabir is stupid he picks the most stupid destinations he thinks that I have to much time in life to visit places.
I only came because Arya was coming.
I looked at my side to see arya sleeping in peace her head on my shoulder. How is she sleeping so peacefully after literally assaulting my foot.
She looked good no actually She resembled the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, she exuded a sense of unreal beauty. Little strands of her hair was dangling on her face her thick eyelashes and her dark brown hair shining under the sunlight.
She acts tough and all strong but she is just another damaged soul trying to heal herself.
I looked up to see Kabir clicking pictures?!
"What the hell are you doing?"
"You Guys look so cute I'm clicking this for my niece"
"Shut the fuck up before beat you into shits asshole"
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"Ouch women stop" I held the pillow she was hitting me with.
We were in manali in our hotel. And chèrie was continuously hitting me for not saying anything when zaina told her to sit on my lap.
"You asshole,jerk,pervert"
"Well I'm also yours"I winked at her.
Oh it's so fun to piss her off.
"I'll tell bhai"
"Bhai ki chamchi" I whispered low enough so that she doesn't hear me otherwise she would eat me alive.
"What did you say" she raised her eyebrows at me.
"Now I have to stay in the same room as you what a day" well I don't have a problem honestly.
"Aren't you to eager to sleep with me chèrie?"
"Speak anther shitty thing and I will kill you" looks like I pissed her off to much.
"And you'll sleep on sofa" me?on the sofa? Nice joke.
"You think my giant figure will be able to sleep kn this tiny sofa, nice joke"
"Now that's your problem but the bed is mine" yeah right now I don't have a choice do I?
"Well I did say I'm also yours"
"Sorry but I'm not dog person babe" wait did she just insult me. But she called me bab wait she called me babe so that means she likes me. OMG.
Chapter Aesthetics:

                                              Chapter Aesthetics:

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Ok so I know this is a small chapter but I didn't know what to write so😭😭 but it was cute one alright 🎀🎀😭

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Ok so I know this is a small chapter but I didn't know what to write so😭😭 but it was cute one alright 🎀🎀😭.
Follow @zohawritess on insta for spoilers💋.

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