Miss grace X female reader

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You were in the school library, sitting near a small round table with some books, you move your arm to turn a page, and then by mistake you dropped some colored pencils from a small container that was on the table to write and color. You made some loud noise in the library, and a teacher approached you.

The footsteps quickly alarm you and you turn around to see which teacher you angered.

It's miss grace, the school principal. She stands behind you and says in a calm but slightly infuriated tone.

"Be more careful with what you do... don't make noise in the library"

She said it with some annoyance in her tone of voice, apparently she didn't like them making a lot of noise in the library
Which is obviously for a good reason. It was your fault you dropped the pencils.

You look up to her shamefully, And say "I'm sorry mam."

She crosses her arms and says "It's fine, just don't do it here again"
she clearly wasn't that upset anymore.
She's standing and holding her arms, looking down to you.

Then without saying a word she walks away. And sits down, she's a principal idk why she's in the library

After a few minutes she heads to the back room, likley to grab printer copy or something like that, your alone in the library, you have nothing to do, it's boring, you put your legs against the tables legs, and push yourself, your now leaning back on your chair. Something teachers disliked, it's carpet..we aren't going to shatter our skulls on CARPET.

Then you hear a voice come from the main checkout booth, (where you checkout books)
It's a short gasp and then a "Y/N!? What are you doing!!"
She seemed concerned that you where doing something that was completely harmless, then SOMEHOW you lean back a bit too far, and your legs come off the table, and you loose your balance, you try to move your arms to regain your balance, but it is unfortunately no use. You fall for what seems like minutes until your body finally hits the ground. As you expected your head did not split open, you just hit your head. As your laying on the ground, you look up and see miss grace standing over you.
Here comes a scolding,
(I'm not writing a entire ass scolding so skip that)
After that painfully long scolding, she says in a demanding tone
"Sit up."
Your not used to this, so without a second thought you stand up, and fix your chair.
You try to apologize but you quickly get interrupted.
"I'm so sor-"
"Don't be sorry, I you could've gotten hurt, and that'd be unfortunate."
She moves her arms towards your face, and her sharp fingers touch your cheek.
Your face turns a very bright red.

AHSKDJEJSN thanks for the support guys !!!
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