Alice x female reader PT2

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Making a part two because I didn't even get close to finishing the last one.

You reach for the handle, the handle is scratched, and metal, and cold. And you turn it, before pulling the door open, you struggle to get it open but you manage, the inside of the door is scratched, almost clawed at, to the point where the paint is basically gone.

You finally look into the room. Is basically a dark room. Other than the occasional piece of paper on the ground. The room is dead silent. Not a single sound other than from outside the hallway.

You make a decision. You step in. The room is a solid black, the floors, the walls, the ceiling, everything is black. But when you step in nothing happens. You make it a few steps in before suddenly.

You hear a slam behind you, a loud metal slam. And you pray that it isn't the door. But unfortunately. When you look out, hoping to see the hallway, you see the back of the door. The room still incased in darkness.
The sudden sound was scary enough. But the sudden darkness brings an entire scary mood to the thing.

A figure appears infront of you, it doesn't just appear, but it rises from the ground, directly infront of you, the figure is 3 inches taller then you, standing tall, and all black, with little red eyes. It's body is similar to those of the rumors. Basically people say they see some kid walking around who stays in a room all day, slightly tall, ect

You are taken aback by the sudden movement directly infront of you, so you kinda jump back, and trip over your shoes, you fall for what feels like a few seconds, until you feel something grab your hand as you fell back, preventing you from falling. It was the mysterious figure.

It's hands are gripped against yours, the grip firm, but the hand was different, it wasn't all black, it actually resembled a kids hand, the feeling of the skin was warm, unlike the entire room.

Suddenly, the strange figure pulls you towards it with the hand it was holding you by, you basically fall into its arms, and you are embraced in a warm hug, you don't look up at its face, scared of something happening if you do, and you close your eyes.

When you open them, you notice all the black ooze has dropped off of it, and you look up to see it infact wasn't a IT, it was a girl, around your height, wearing a slightly torn up dress, with brown hair, and a bow in her hair, still in shock from the whole situation, but you don't wanna get on her bad side, lord knows what would happen if you did.

I'm to tired for this
Ask for part 3 tmmr

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