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Warning cursing.  I don't own Nikke just writing a story cause I had a idea.

Document info
————scene change————
File Ingrid's personal logs

The date, Fuck it! I don't know I've been underground for years this whole document thing is bullshit!

Missiles, tetra and Elysion, have joint forces to build robots and retake the surface. Apparently the raptures are fucking stupid and won't attack us when we are underground.

I personally built my first ever Nikke Kar98K or E-001 or just Kar, I based her off the German shock troopers of World War One and gave her WW2 weapons. Her appearance is as follows, she wears a navy blue commander uniform, short black shorts, thigh high black socks, tan heavy duty boots. She also has black fingerless gloves. She is blind in her left eye knocked out by a rapture labeled chatterbox, she has long light blue hair she also wears a black gas mask over her face.

I really like how her design turned out command insists that she looks like a table top, I don't get why they give a shit about her body, Fucking! She's a robot! Men and their damn hormones! Girls have their things to, but boys are more expressive is a mild way of putting it. I sent her on her first mission without bothering to work on her personality programming turns out that was a bad idea. She came back covered in oil and holding rapture cores and missing a eye and casually says.
"Kar reporting enemies slaughtered all but one." She had no emotion saying that. I'm definitely adding personality's to the later models I don't need a personal version of the terminator at my side. I asked her which enemy got away and said "according to the programming that was chatterbox" Fucking hell! This was a starting mission and she casually fights with chatterbox! Good riddance I need a beer!


127 days after last paper

I have made a lot more models along with the other company's. Instead of having a copy and paste personalitys we have made each Nikke a custom personality. Kar helped build a academy and started training the new models however I can't but notice she seems to get more displeased as time goes on.


Day 293 after first entry

Kar has become obsolete and I think she knows it. I try to cheer her up and compliment her because she is still my first "daughter" as I have now thought of my Nikkes as such, however the humans don't agree with me they see the Nikke as lower beings and treat them as such. I have been forced to build more "developed" robots for the politicians or they would fire me. I feel like we are straying from their real purpose.


Day 326

We now have a academy, dormitory's, food court and all sorts of stuff for the Nikes unfortunately they have to share it with the humans and they are treated awfully but they are programmed to not be able to do anything about it. I can't help but feel pity even though I can't do anything because of some Damn Fucking Politics!


Day 367

.........My disgust and disappointment is immeasurable towards the politicians, you can't just have a "fun time" with a robot. I wish she crushed his di- I should stop this entry here...


Day 412

Kar has decided she is going for a solo mission. I gave her permission she has already fought and killed so many raptures I don't see a issue with it.


Day 417

Kar is not back yet....she is either dead or deserted...I never put the loyalty module installment, I only programmed her to follow guidelines and rules, which she just found the loop hole too. The politicians now require us to build them with loyalty programming and erase their memories if they fail. Which is very inhumane, not that politicians care anyway.


Day 435

I've sent every squad on a mission to locate Kar none have found her, I've given up she is gone.

Year 2122 100 years after rapture takeover(start of canon)
Kar pov

I've been out of that hell hole. Ingrid was great. Humans in general fucking disgusting. The raptures aren't better than the humans but I'm not going to say they are worse either. I've decided I'm just going to fight the enemy on my own from the surface. I been destroyed 71 times yet I come back to exsistance 5 seconds later 5 seconds before I died almost as if I have a quick save. I also never run out of ammo my Kar has 12 shots and 120 rounds/10 magazines yet even when I use a empty magazine I still fire bullets almost as if I'm breaking the boundaries of human understanding. I looked and looked for answers, I finally found the answer. I was built with rapture parts, metal of old bombs or aircraft and old metal pieces of a church. Somehow I was blessed by some higher being for my efforts and the entire American military stash. I don't understand why but I just accept it. Also unlike most Nikke I know how to use any and evrey weapon, I don't know why I just can. I killed chatterbox three times however turns out there is more than one, I found unlike most raptures don't shoot chatterbox in the core it turns into a angsty teenager who just got a hug from their childhood crush.

I also have discovered that Nikke are being sent with human "commanders" during the fight to lead them. It's fucking political bullshit at its finest. The Nikke are held back by the aspect of protecting a human I've seen squads wiped by chatterbox who will die in 7 minutes if you fight alone. Maybe that's just one of my many feats. But I do know that the humans can't do shit to the raptures and drag down the Nikkes power. I've started to just kill commanders that are pieces of shit and kill all the raptures for the Nikkes.

However I quickly learned that killing the human means the Nikkes failed in their job of protecting the human and get their memories terminated...FUCKING DON'T SEND A HUMAN AND THEY WONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT.

Jeez I'm going to go to that one store and grab myself a coke. But your not human I hear my programming tell me. fucking! I'm not but I have a stomach somehow so damn straight I'm going to drink Coke. However suddenly I hear gunfire shouting and Nikkes begging their commander to get up. For fucks sake humans are useless compared to machines. I guess I will go help with fire support.

That's all for this chapter hope you enjoyed! Canon starts next chapter.

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