The "Commander" and CO

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Warning cursing and combat. I don't own Nikke just writing a story cause I had a idea.

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I go towards the sounds of gunfire. I hear some Nikke shouting that their aircraft was downed and their commander is injured.

See I am right the humans drag the Nikkes down.
Well anyway, I run through the apartment building I was looting bashing in evrey door in my way. I finally get to a open balcony with a metal sheeted railing it overlooks the street where I see a human and a few Nikkes. They seem to be fighting chatterbox...I have the side profile, perfect!

Kar: Easy win.

I fire seven shots directly into his eye destroying his visual censors now all he is glorified scrap.
Rapi pov

Me, Anis and commander were trying to get to a place where we could be evacuated after, Marians corruption and beckoning of blacksmith we took them down only for chatterbox to show up 3 blocks down. Commander dived inside a building while we took cover ready to fight to the death only for 7 loud resounding shots of a bolt action rifle. Hitting it in the eye and blinding it suddenly I starts speaking something raptures can't do...I suppose that's why it's called chatter box. However what it said was strange.

"God damnit Kar I will get you one fucking day!" Who is Kar? Suddenly 3 old German stick gernades fly from a balcony striking the giant arms and detonating the missiles. Suddenly a small figure jumps from the balcony damaging the ground where she landed as she jumps on top of chatterbox grabbing a gas gernade throwing it inside chatterbox's mouth destroying some key part as it shuts down and collapses detonating, blowing the figure back torwards us. As she shouts,

Chatterbox-0, Kar-4.

So this is Kar. She's, small, flat and intimidating the opposite of most nikkes. She walks torwards the commander when I get in her way concerned about what she will do. Her head tilts up torwards me, I can feel a penetrating gaze of anger coming from her, yet I stand my ground. Suddenly she speaks again.

Kar: What a fucking useless group you bitches are. Your commander hides in a building and you hide behind cover without trying to fight.

This ticked me of so I responded with a similar attitude, so far Kar reminds me of the head of missiles, good riddance I can't stand her.

Well how were you any different bitch you shot them from a balcony?

Kar: Key word shot! I shot you didn't! You models are nothing but metal runway models! Not metal machines designed to kill at all! Your "commanders" are all fucking useless they lower your potential!

Again this ticks me off so I shout back

They give us orders and guide us! You cyka blyat! There hit her with the Russian curse words.

Verdammte Schlampe, der Kommandant ist nutzlos! Hast du eine Ausbildung? Jah? Verdammt, es ist nutzloser Schrott.

Ты чертова сука. Они не обучают нас, мы используем симуляции. командиры проходят подготовку, чтобы вести нас в бой.

Wirklich? Nun, das ist es, was verdammt schief gelaufen ist. Du solltest wissen, wie man ohne einen Anführer, eine nutzlose Schlampe, kämpft.

Anis: Commander what is happening?

Commander: I honestly don't have a clue. I think they are cussing each other out in their respective languages.

Anis: We should probably go then right?


Ты только что, черт возьми, дал мне пощечину? Ох, ты сейчас так получишь это!

Verdammt, ich habe dich gerade geohrfeigt. Du nervst mich und bist sowieso nutzlos. Ich gehe, Tschüss Schlampen!

Suddenly a smoke grenade covers the area and the short shock trooper is gone.

Commander: Is it just me or could she be used as a table to play chess?

Both: Definitely.

Anis: If it wasn't for the hair I would have thought she was a dude. Especially with the attitude reminds me of, Syeun. Ugh I hate her.

Finally a new transport picked us up and, shifty opened a call again.

Shitfy: Oh my word!

Commander: What? You weren't that surprised when we killed blacksmith?

Shifty: You shut the fuck up smart ass. You unintentionally found Elysions first Nikke ever made she has been missing for twenty seven years. We long thought she was dead or corrupted but apparently that is not so.

Commander: That table top was the first nikke? Then why the change? She was a polar opposite of every Nikke I have met.

Shifty: Because commander politics and flaws appeared. Before you ask. The flaws were, emotionless, no remorse, disregard for human life, disregard for destruction of just about anything and a desire to burn anything whenever you mention Fire, flame or flamethrower. She is also the only Nikke to be able to use any weapon and fight without a commander. Because of this she has been know for looking down on humans and Nikkes under a commander. If your commander died and she found you she would just laugh, call a transport and burn the raptures around the area then leave, we have 17 of these incidents documented.

Anis: So she was or is a psychotic German shock trooper with the desire to wield a "flamenwerfer" right?

Shifty: precisely Anis. I also suspect you will see more of her in the future.

Kar pov

What a bunch of fucking losers. She finds the corpse of blacksmith and Marian infront of the gas station with the coke stash. Maybe not fucking losers...just losers. Anyway this tech dead? *kick*

No reaction at all.

Kar: Jah! That bitch empty. Oh I bet I could bring her back and try to reprogram her. After all I am a prodigy! Hmm. Why not the worst thing that happens is she calls mother blacksmith, pffff. Blacksmith is easier to kill than chatterbox. All it takes is one hit from my Flak 88 home defense canon to the missile rack and then I get the monthly light show!

Finally I arrive home to my beutiful German bunker with a flak 88 on one side over looking the street. 3 MG42s on another side facing the field. a entire Maus tank to the other side facing the tree line. And the back side is a mountain shelter where I have my bedroom, living room, kitchen, repair/tinker room and of course the 15inch gun naval gun with two quad bofer flak guns facing the other side of the mountain. I found the bunker, however I got all of the weapons here myself. I am not disappointed at all. Hell I even have a radar and radio dish! Apocalypse my ass! This is heaven! No damn HOA telling me I can't have a canon with buckshot at the top of the stairs for home defense! Well in this case it's a flak 88. Same thing! Oh and of course can't forget the flammenwerfer for my midnight judgement session and 3 AM heretic removing!

In case it isn't obvious our main character is mentally unstable and has become so used to violence that her entire life based around it that's not her fault though, she's been fighting robots for 27 years just a millennia more and she can be doom slayers side kick.

That's all for this chapter. See you next chapter.

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