Chapter 17: Maybe dreams do come true

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George's pov:

Aren't just friends anymore. Friends are overrated anyways. George never knew that kissing my best friend could turn out to be such a great feeling. Summer had gone pretty quickly, George and Quinn had practically spent the rest of the remaining summer together, swimming, going into town, playing games and just being in each other company. They shared kisses, laughs and alot of fun together. They hadn't fully defined their relationship between each other they just knew how the other felt. George was really falling for her, he never thought in a million years that she would ever like him back. Maybe dreams do come true.

"Hey, love! Are you coming?"he knocked on his bedroom door softly. As Quinn had been getting ready for their date in their. They had told Molly what was happening between them to keep an honestly relationship with the woman and she trusted them both deeply. "Give me one second"she replied. George turned his head when the door opened. Quinn stood their, in a red skirt that was around mid thigh length and then a black lacy top that matched her low cut boots. She smiled at him, George's heart fluttered. "You look.. stunning"he grinned from ear to ear, his cheeks burning a red colour similar to her skirt.

Soon, they were out at the field. A picnic rug on the grass, two glasses of champagne and some food assortments around the place. He looked as she figured out what to eat first. They chatted away, so easily. Talking up a storm. "Quinn??"he said softly, Her gaze immediately meeting his. "Yeah, baby?"she said as if it was second nature to her, something she had been doing for ages. "We have spent all of summer together and it's ending in a couple of days"he begun to say. Quinn nodded. "I've had the best time with you, Weasley. You have no idea"she admitted, her hand gently resting on his knee. He was leaning back, his hand leaning behind her back holding him up. "and so have i!"he agreed.

He cleared his throat. "I wanted to know if you interested in taking this more seriously. I was wondering if i could have the honours of being your boyfriend"he asked her in a sweet tone of voice, with the goofiest smile on his face. Cheeks burnt a pinkish colour from his nerves. Quinn's eyes widened as his words sunk in. Her head nodding frantically. "Yes yes! Be my boyfriend"she exclaimed with an excited expression. She kissed his lips happily and then giggle like a little girl. "I'm your girlfriend.. and you are my boyfriend"she kissed his lips again, her lipstick smearing onto his lips. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm all yours"

"I've always been all yours"

word count: 477

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