Chapter 5 - Shocked

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We were all in the Great Hall eating dinner when Dumbledore announed that Beauxbatons Academy of Magic students were here. 

" I would like you all to join me in welcoming the Beauxbatons  ladies " Dumbledor announed , as the Great Hall door swung open and a bunch a girls in blue dressers and hats appeared . They started dancing and doing magic , getting attention from pretty much every boy in the world. I look over and see Ron and Harry nearly drooling. The ladies did look quite beauitful.

"And there Headmistress Madame Maxime !" Dumbledore  announed again  , pointing towards the door as a very tall lady walked behind the girls as they danced around the hall. She look quite old and she had red hair which was very short , kind of like a bob. She wore this big jacket that was also red. 

"Blimey thats one big woman " Seamus said as he punched Ron in the arm to get his attention. I don't think Ron heard him because he was too busy looking at the beauitfuls girls. I look over to see George already looking at me , I catch his eye and he smiles at me . He looks over to the girls  dancing but doesn't seem that interested in them , like the other boys.

I look over and see Hermione holding a gaze at Ron . She didn't look impressed. Everyone clapped and cheered for girls , expected for Hermione and Ginny who were both eyeing down Harry and Ron. I slowly clapped as I met George's eyes from across the table again , he winked at me and a smile grew on his face. I smiled back. I felt my face getting hot , so I looked at the floor before he could see I was blushing.

" Now our friends from the North please greet the sons of Durmstrang and their Headmaster Igor Karkaroff" Dumbledore announed again pointing towards the door.

The Durmstrang Boys performed this magic show thing . I didn't really care for them much . I justed wanted to eat dinner and hear about who the champions were.

I look over to my sister and see looks like she just saw a ghost. She was a pale white colour and was in a deep gaze towards Viktor Krum. I knew she thought he was handsome. I look over and see Ron in complete shock. 

We looked to the front where all of the Professors and Headmaster and such stood. 


We are all gathered in the Great Hall around the Goblet of Fire waiting for Dumbledor to announe the champions. I was sitting inbetween Fred and George. We are all anxiously waiting. Dumbledore walks in with Igor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime. 

"Now the moment you all have being waiting for the champion selection!" Dumbledore declared.

He slowly walked towards the Goblet of Fire. He stepped back still holding his gaze on the fire. All of a sudden the fire turns red and shoots out a piece of paper. Dumbledore reaches out and grabs it.

" And the Drunstrange champion is Viktor Krum" Dumbledore said. 

Viktor Krum made has way to where Dumbledor  was standing and prouldy shook his hand. Dumbledore pointed towards a door and Viktor begin walking towards it. 

A  few seconds later Viktor was gone and the fire began turing red again. A piece of paper shot out again , falling into Dumbledore's hand. 

" Beauxbatons champion is Fleur Delacour " Dumbledore declared while pointing at the paper.

Fleur Delacour made her way to the front after her friends hugged her.  A massive smile was on her face , ear to ear. She proudly shook Dumbledore's hand and made her way to the same door Viktor walked though.

Soon after a few seconds the fire became red , shooting  a piece of paper out again. Dumbledore court the paper and began to speak.

" Finally ! The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore proudly announed. 

Cedric was in 6th year. The twins and I were friends with him.The Twins alway thought that Cedric had feelings for me , but I always thought they were being stupid.  Cedric slowly made his way up to the front after all his friends hugged him and cheered for him. He shook Dumbledore's hand  and made his way though the door like the others exited.

A few seconds later the fire turned red once more. Everyone looked shocked. I was shocked. 

"What the bloody hell" I whispered to Geroge.

Before he could answer the fire then shot out a piece of paper that Dumbledore court. He looked worried but he tried to hide it. He looked down and whispered something to him self.

"Harry potter ! where are you ?" He announed

Everyone was confused and waited for Harry to go to Dumbledore. Harry didn't move. Hermione shoved Harry in the arm and pushed him off his seat. Harry slowly made his way towards Professor Dumbledore. Dumbleodre handed him the paper and Harry walked towards the door. I heard people yelling out "cheat " and "he's not even 17" . Harry didn't say anything and disappear as he walked though the door. 

Everyone was dismissed shorty after that.


About 1 hour later , Harry came running into the Common Room and told us how he is now the 4TH Champion. The twins were shocked , but happy. Ron questioned Harry about the whole thing but Hermione told Ron he should just believe his best friend. He ended up believing Harry.

We all went to bed shortly after that.


Hey Guys , here is another chapter! I very hope everyone likes it. I tried my hardest to make it good .. hopefully I did that :)

This is my very first book on Wattpad . I was very nervous that no was going to like it but I would someone out there does. 

Thank you so much for reading ! You are beauitful . Have a great day <3


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