Chapter 6 - Already got a Date

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The first task was already over for the Triwizard Tournament..

For the first task, each champion had to retrieve a golden egg guarded by a dragon.Harry succeeded  in retrieving his egg, which contained information about the second challenge. Hermione was over joyed that Harry was still alive after the first task. She was very worried.

We all celebrated in the commone room with a little party for Harry. The twins got food and Ginny had a big poster that said " Congats Harry" . I think everyone had a great time.


I was getting shaken by  my dorm mate Katie Bell . I have been friends with Katie ever since we both made the Quidditch team. We aren't the closest friends , but we still ask to share a dorm every year together because we like having each other around and she is pretty much the only girl - friend that I have near my age. I do have to admitt I like being friends with katie but we don't sit or hangout besides Quidditch or our dorm. She is lovely though.

"What Katie ? , I'm trying to sleep !" I softly say as I move the covers over my head. Katie rips the covers off me and pulls me up.

"Get dressed right now Quinn ! Professor McGonagall wants everyone in the Great Hall !" She says with a stressed tone.

I quickly get up and get dressed into my robes. We hurry down to the stairs and towards the Great Hall. We take a seat at the Gryffindor table. I sit next to Ron and Fred. 

" Good Morning Everyone ! I have some exciting news to tell everyone. Hogwarts is holding a dance . The Yule ball it's called. It will be held in the Great Hall on Christmas Eve which is in a few days. Remember to wear formal clothes everyone. Dig into breakfast " Professor McGonagall announes.

" A ball !" Ginny says with a smile on her face.

"Ooops I forgot one thing , It's only for years 4th and above ! You may invite people from younger years ! Sorry 1st , 2nd and 3rd years." Professor  McGonagall declared.

"I'm so sorry Ginny " Hermione says with a sad voice . Ginny's smile was gone off her face. 

"Hey Gin ! , I'm sure someone will ask you , you're beauitful " I say with a massive smile on my face. 

She smiles back at me. George and Fred both mouth "thank you" too me. I simply smile back.


The twins and I just finsihed Potions and we were heading to the Quidditch field to practice . We stopped outside and stood under a tree waiting for Ron , Harry and Lee as they were going to come with us. 

I look over and see Cedric walking towards us with his group of friends. I look around and see Ron , Harry and Lee running towards us.

"Hey Quinn ! " I heard someone say . I turn my head to see Cedric and his friends in front of me and the twins.

"Hey Cedric , Good job on the first task " I say , not really paying attention to him. He grabs my hands just as Ron ,Harry and Lee turn up to where we are standing. 

The twins shared a mad look at each other .Ron and Harry looked confused and Lee looked worried.

"Uhm , Cedric why are you holding my hands ?" I say confused. He clear's his thoat. Cedric looks into my eyes and begins to speak.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me Quinn?" He says confidently.

I remove my hands from his grip and look up at him.

" uhm " Harry softy says as he awkwardly stands there.

"I'm sorry Cedric , I uh a-already have a d-date!" I say awkwardly looking at him.

"WHO?"He respondes looking mad and sad at the sad time. I look down at the floor.

Before I coukd answer George stepped up and stood next to me . He intertwined our fingers together before speaking. I blushed , looking down at the floor still.

"Me" He said confidently.

WHAT!!! I was shocked . Did George just say that we were going to the Yule Ball together ? I thought to my self. I shot my head up and smile.

"You're going to the ball with George Weasley ?" Cedric said as he clenched his jaw.

'' Why do you sound so surprise Diggory? Quinn is a very beauitful and talented Witch , haha of course she has a date to the ball already." George said smiling at Cedric.

"Yep . Right . Sorry uhh " Cedric said as he played with his fingers

" I'm sorry Cedric" I say looking at him

Cedric and his friends walked away back to where they were standing before. I felt bad . But the truth is I really didn't want to go to the ball with Cedric so I'm glad George saved me again . I thought. 

All the boys looked shocked. I turn around to face them.


"Saved my friend from a boring night with diggory " George giggled

"Are you two really going to go together , because Cedric is gonna tell everyone Quinn has a date!" Fred  claimed

" Number 1 , Thank you Georgie. Number 2 , I cannot believe Cedric Diggory asked me out and Number 3 , Why is he gonna tell everyone??" I respond .

" Oh Quinn so smart , yet so dumb !"Fred replied. The boys laughed at his remark. I just rolled my eyes.

"Every boy thinks your bloody beauitful and talent , loads of boys like or have liked you Quinn. What's not to like ?" George answered. 

"No they don't " I softly giggle " Name one Georgie?" I replied looking up at him.

"Lee , Cedric , Seamus , Ron , Harry , Dean , Oliver and way more ! Thoses boys have liked you or still like you Quinny" George said looking at the boys 

"Bloody hell George !" they boys respond angry.

You start laughing

"It's okay boys " I giggle 


Sorry for such a long chapter , i just wanted to fit in as much as I could . I hope you all enjoyed it . THANK YOU FOR READING !!! Hope you had a great day xx


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