Chapter 3 The Corruption Part 2

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After Hades lost against Ryosuke and Haruto in an unfair match, he lies on the ground for a little while. He closes his eyes and hears a distant voice calling to him.

"Thou hast gone through lot. Now join forth our true hero!", says the distant voice.

Miraculously, his wounds are healing up really quickly and has an effect on his status. The Three Thousand Worlds Healing effect. But lasts only for 4 seconds and it disappears. Hades felt revived and strength overflowing his entire body. His body shines brightly for a few seconds. The distant voice then disappears. Hades walks away from the Underground Arena and make his way to the cave that leads to the underground library. He's met with a young female girl name Marie.

"Good day, miss. What are you doing here?", says Hades to Marie.

"Um... this is my father's workplace when he works for the royal family.", says Marie to Hades in a shy tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.", says Hades to Marie suspecting that Marie's father is killed in the castle.

"Not to worry, I'm fine now.", says Marie to Hades.

"So, what are you doing here, Marie-chan.", says Hades to Marie while sitting on a wooden chair.

"I'm going to help you. You don't look like the other heroes.", says Marie to Hades.

"Other heroes?", questions Hades to Marie.

"Yes, a little while ago, they threatened a poor old man near the city gates to give them his coins. The poor old man has to be wounded because he defends his coins.", says Marie to Hades.

"I'm sorry that you must experience that hideous scene.", says Hades while petting Marie on the head.

"It's okay. You're different from them! I know that! You're going to save us all from...", says Marie.

"From who?", says Hades to Marie.

"I don't want to say its name.", says Marie.

"Hmm, it's okay. Now how do you going to help me?", says Hades to Marie.

"Here. There's a note that reads: "An alle Bürger der Toten, Du bist gekommen und ernährst Dich von unseren"", says Marie to Hades in German.

"You can read that?", says Hades.

"It's German language.", says Marie to Hades.

"What!? German? I thought this world is different from earth. How can a German person come to this world", says Hades in monologue.

Marie begins to tell a story about a young German person arrives on their village doorstep.

"My mother tells me a story everytime she went back from her workplace. About fourteen years ago, a mysterious long bearded person and a baby in his arms come to their village searching for a place to stay. We give him a place to stay and gladly takes care of him. He speaks in a weird language that all of us villagers never heard of. But after he noticed that we don't understand him, he speaks in our language. We realized that he is not a threat and he's simply wants a place to live and protect his daughter. Then my father and him are best friends because both of them likes hunting. He teaches German to me and the other kids in that village. But exactly five years ago, the Dawn Valley Kingdom comes with a huge army and kills everyone in sight. My father died and the mysterious person also dies. But the baby is nowhere to be found. Me and my mother flew from our village to the Dawn Valley Kingdom and change our names to Marie and Margaretha. My mother works at a tavern on the lower parts of the kingdom.", says Marie while crying.

"I'm really sorry to hear that. I want to do something about this.", says Hades while standing up getting ready to confront the king.

"No! Don't! I think the king is just threatened or brain washed.", says Marie.

"What do you mean?", says Hades.

"No worry. For now, could you please do me a favor?", says Marie.

"Alright, what is it?", says Hades.

"Channel your magic into this blank book right here and chant this: "An alle Bürger der Toten, Du bist gekommen und ernährst Dich von unseren"", says Marie to Hades while handing a blank book.

"Okay. Here goes: "An alle Bürger der Toten, Du bist gekommen und ernährst Dich von unseren"", says Hades.

The book grows to be the fifteen Book of the Dead. Hades then put the book in the mysterious slot on the shelf. The mechanism is miraculously activated and the bookshelf is moving. There is a stairway that leads to an underground room. It's dark and Hades grabs a stick. He then tears a blanket in the table and make a fire out of it.

"Can you handle a torch?", says Hades to Marie.

"Yes, I do! I'm not that weak.", says Marie while pouting and blushing to Hades.

"Fine by me. Alright I want you to stay behind me all the time. I don't know what's in there and I don't want anyone to know besides me, you, and Eagle.", says Hades to Marie.

"How dense! Wait, who's Eagle? Perhaps she's your Girlfriend!?", says Marie in angry tone.

"No, she is not. She's just my partner in this adventure.", says Hades.

"Hmmmm...", says Marie in suspicious tone.

The two then goes down to the underground room when the two stepped on a specific stone, the bookshelf behind them closes leaving them nowhere but forward. The two goes forward but encounters a skeleton with red glowing eyes charged towards them. Hades pulls out his handmade handgun and shoot the skeleton with the handgun on its head. The skeleton fades to dust and leaving a blue gem.

"What is this?", says Hades to Marie.

"This is a blue gem. If you sell it to the adventure guild, it will give you three bronze coins.", says Marie to Hades.

"Alright, you can keep this.", says Hades to Marie.

"Really!?", says Marie.

"Sure. Now let's keep going.", says Hades to Marie.

"Yes!", says Marie.

After the two clears out the first floor, they found a hidden passage near the giant door to the other room. The door itself is craved and writes, "Wer es wert ist, der Welt ohne Angst entgegenzutreten, der ist der wahre Held der Welt.". Upon entering the passage, they see a white silhouette on the other side of the tunnel. After they leave the hidden passage, a white silhouette appears and it seems as it's been projected from a nearby hole.

"Wer sich in diesem Labyrinth wiederfindet, der lege seine Hände auf die magische Kugel in der Tür und du wirst mich darin finden", says the silhouette.

"What does it say?", says Hades to Marie.

"Anyone who finds themselves in this Labyrinth, put your hands on the magic ball in the door and you will find me there.", says Marie translating to Hades.

"Alright, here goes nothing.", says Hades putting his hands on the giant door.

The door lightens up and slowly glowing brighter and brighter. Marie and Hades close their eyes with their hands. After a few seconds, the door opens up. Hades and Marie goes inside the room. Upon entering the room, they are greeted by a mysterious person. Marie broke down to tears.

"For anyone who are worthy to face the world without fear, you are the true hero of the world.", says the mysterious figure.

"Father!?", says Marie.

"Father?", says Hades in monologue.

"Welcome to the underground sanctuary that I made during the Infection of the Evil Gods, our True Great Hero.", says Marie's father.

"We serves the hero for three thousand years and they have proven to be strong but they cowers in fear and death. Our loyalty to the heroes goes beyond everything.", says Marie's father.

"If you happens to be from Zeydarnia, tell Marienette and Marie that I always and forever always loved them. I would like to talk to you on how I got here and why am I here.", says Marie's father.

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