Chapter 5 The Great Fall of Hades

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On one night, Hades has a vision of the Old Kingdom of Dawn Valley. The Kingdom is ruled by a prestigious king that loves his citizen just like his family. The Kingdom itself is very rich and there's no beggars or anything like that. For the celebration of the 100th birthday of the Kingdom, the King asked his citizen what they want. The citizen replies to him, we want a ruler just like you, A kind and humble king that can make his people and army feel peace. The King replies, "I may not be the perfect king you seek, but I try my best to keep your promise.". The King also shows an insignia. When the King shows that insignia, the clouds around the palace becomes dark, the thunderstorms can be shown. The King said, "Come forth our Hero! The Old King has fallen. The New King shall raise from the bottom of the depth of hellish suffering. The God of The Underworld, I shall be one with you!".

"(Screams) What just happened?", says Hades woke up immediately after that moment in his dream.

"The old king is a prestigious king. Who's the old king?", says Hades in monologue.

"Seems like there's literally something going on in this world.", says Hades in monologue.

He then walks out of his room finding Yui Ayaka and Eagle outside. Yui Ayaka seems like she wants to tell Hades something but she doesn't want to. Eagle signals Hades that she was dared last night to tell Hades that she and the others doesn't need Hades' help and the others wants Hades gone from this world.

"Good Morning, Ayaka-san.", says Hades.

"Good Morning, Hades-kun.", says Yui Ayaka almost in tears.

"Nice weather, we're having.", says Hades.

"Excuse me...Hades-kun, if you don't want to fight, I can protect you.", says Yui Ayaka to Hades.

"Ayaka-san, I have my own reasons. I'm sorry.", says Hades to Yui Ayaka.

"It's alright.", says Yui Ayaka while running away from Hades.

"Today, we're going to the dungeon right?", says Hades to Eagle.

"Yes, we are.", says Eagle to Hades.

"If anything happens to me, don't help me or anything. Just focus on your mission protecting Yui Ayaka.", says Hades to Eagle.

"Suuureeeee.", says Eagle while sighing.

After breakfast, the Heroes Party is gathered in the door to the Dungeon. The Dungeon itself is for training the Knights of The Royal Army. Level 1 until 10 is usually for beginners that trying to make their way to the Knights of The Royal Army. Level 11 until Level 20 is usually for the test in ranks. Level 21 until 30 is for the Heroes that will save the world from danger. Upon entering Level 41, the king will say it is prohibited to the Heroes and The Royal Army because it contains dark energy that neither the king nor the heroes can withstand the devastating power. It is also stated in the Book of The Dungeons that Level 41 until 100 is not for adventuring. It requires a highly protective shield from the devastation gravity press from the dark energy.

"Alright, Heroes Party! Gather now!", says Sir Ruderika.

"We will now explore the Dungeon. This Dungeon is named Dungeon of the Blue Gems. This Dungeon consists of a total 100 levels to pass. There's a teleporter in each 10 floors to make yourself back to this spot right here. There's also a rule that you cannot go beyond Level 41. Don't underestimate that rule because it will cost your life.", says Sir Ruderika.

"What happens if we go pass Level 41?", says Reina to Sir Ruderika.

"The way to the Level 41 is currently blocked by an unknown stones. It seems that we cannot destroy the stones itself because the density and the strength requires to destroy the stone is abnormal. Upon entering Level 41, you will be infected temporarily with a strong gravity pull that will make you unable to walk. If you are strong enough, your whole body will soon be flattened out by this dark energy.", says Sir Ruderika.

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