002 Before Dad went missing

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It was a normal day. John B and I and the pogues where Surfing and drinking. Big John made a family dinner for us and the pogues. We were very excitited. So we went back at the Chateau and waited for the food to be ready. We all loved the Sandwiches he made so we all sat down.

JJ sat next to me while John B and Dad sat at the other side.

,,So June, Dad started, Mum called said how you are doing."

When i heard that sentence I instindly Choked at the bite of Sandwiche i took. ,,June you okey, John B asked?"

Yeah, Yeah, i started, im fine did she say anything else?"

,,So that was what i wanted to talk about with you, Dad said looking at me, Mum is getting very sick shes in the hospital."

To be honest I did have a little guilt because of it but still she abused me and hurt me nothing more.

JJ tapped my shoulder, because I was lost in my thoughts.

,,Okey probely because of the drugs, i said with no emotions."

Kie and Pope listen in the conversation, but bouth of them knew something bad is going to happen.

,,And now one is there for her, my dad started, so i thought you should go and take care of here for a few months."

JJ looked at John B and then June knowing that she doesnt want to go and they also dont want her to go.

,,What?!, im not gonne go back to her and you know that, i said starting to get louder."

,,You are the only one with her you know her the best, he said matching my voice."

,,Oh let me remember why, maybe because you gave me to her and i had to live with her for years, i yelled back seeing JJ and Pope flinch a bit."

,,June Routlege you are Going to visit her and move there for a few month, Big John said and his voice gets louder by every second."

,, Im not gonne go to that stupid City and visit her, i snapped back standing up because i was tired of the conversation."

,,You are going to visit the stupid City and thats it, he yelled macking me flinch a bit."

,,Okey how about, John B started but i cut him off."

Kie and Pope didnt like the conversation at all and JJ tried to call both of them down but it didnt.

,,Im not going you cant tell me shit and really why should I, i yelled repeating what i said earlier."

,, Because im your father thats why, He yelled back hitting the desk hard.

Tear came in my eyes is he hearing himself. The women who abused me for years and made me hate myself ? Not a Chance im not going.

,, So what, i snapped and yelled back my eyes were glossy i was this close to cry."

,, Maybe you guys could talk this tomorrow out, Kie said, but Big John cutt her off again."

,, Dont you yell at me June, he said raising his voice."

JJ knew this Situation isnt going to end well but he cant do anything because they wont listen.

John B tried to calm  Big John but he still kept yelling.

,,I yell you all i want blah blah blah im not going to that stupid city and visit her, i said matching his Anger."

,,Thats it you are going to her and you are going to like it and thats the end, he snapped hitting on the desk again."

This time John B flinched. Kiara looked like she was about to cry because she knew June didnt want to leave like the Rest of them.

,, I hate you I hate you, i wish you knew the pain she caused me when she abused me , i yelled at top of my lungs." JJ had tears in his eyes he knew how it felt.

,,I hate you right back you little shit you and your mother took my life eway and i just want it back, he yelled but he realised he went to far he didnt mean it that way."

I looked at him with tears on my cheeks i sobed he didnt mean it right? Pope looked at John B he looked at June and they both knew she was hurt not a little but a lot.

,, Shit im sorry i dint mean that, he said softly wanting to hug you but you pushed him off he stumpled a bit backwards."

,,Get off me Gett off me, i yelled while crying."

I stormed in my room and locked the door. I cried with my hands on my knees and my head looking down, he meant all of it. He didnt knew how it felt to be abused by her own mother and now he wants that i take care of her like what the fuck, i tought.

Meanwhile JJstood up and said :,, Im gonne go talk to her."

John B nodded and is bow looking at Big John with Anger in his eyes.

,,June, June can you open its JJ, he said softly.

I needed him he was the one who comfort me always. I opended the door. He saw me with Red eyes and tears.

He closed the door again. JJ hold me close not letting me go. I cried on his shirt which was now soaking wet. He stroked her back and promised she isnt going anyway. You could hear John B and Dad fighting and yelling at each other. JJ knew how it felt when his dad told him he was a piece of shit, he felt stupid. So he stands up and takes the headphone with some music with full volume and put it one you head. You smiled at him and you were clearly tired so you want to bed. Still a bit you cried. JJ Puts the blanket over you and stroked you back until you felt asleep.

JJ was the one I loved he was there for me he was loyal and always protects me from bad things or thoughts.

He went outside your room to see John B tired on the Sofa and Kie and Pope comforting John B.
John B saw JJ and instindly he asked:,, How is she?"

Shes fine know shes asleep, JJ answerded.
,,Where is  Big John, JJ asked?"

,,He went outside, he simply said." After that night everyone went asleep JJ got in bed with you his hands on your waist and your head on his chest. Soon enough he also felt asleep.

The next morning:

The Sun is shining and you slowly woke up, I couldnt really move because JJs Hand is on you waist. And his breath on my neck. He sleeps so peaceful I thought. I slowly took JJs Hand eway and I stand up. remember The night before with the heated argument.
,,John B, i yelled, Where is Dad?"
John B stood up hearing his twin sister voice and he immedietly hugged her. June hugged him back.
,,I dont know where he is, John B said, but he is probelycoming back in a few days he just needs to xool off."

I simply nodded my head in Response. Suddenly someone hugged me from behind, 8 new it was JJ.

,,Good morning, he said in a whisper still a bit tired."

,,Morning, i smiled back." The Rest of the day went normal we drinked some beer and JJ took a blut we talked and laughed but something was different June knew it. Dad never left for so long, she started to getting worried and tried to call him but no answer.
,, Okey June maybe he ist just looking for the Royal Merchent, Kie said knowing she is worrieng about Dad."

,,Yeah but i feel something is wrong what if he doesnt come back, i said knowing my anxiety is getting high."

,,Its fine he will come back i know it, John B said. He wasnt sure either but waited."

9 months later:

He still isnt back. After 3 months we reporter it to the police Office and they think hes dead but I know  he isnt. He cant be. John B is also not giving up until we dont have a body.

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