005 Motel room

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The P4L boat is heading to the motel. John B drove while JJ and I laughed and telled stories about us when we were younger.
We looked at each other still laughing until John B said:,, Were here."

,,Im coming 100%, i said looking John B in the eye. He simply said no, shaking his head.,, Its too dangerous, he added."

,,But thats so unfair i want to come please, please, please, i begged."

He still shaked his head.   ,, Come on John B nothing can happend, besides were here, live a little, JJ said smiling at June knowing it will work."

,,Fine, but if something happends JJ i swear, i WILL kill you, my brother said with a death glare."

,,Thanks JJ, I said giving him a Kiss on his check." John B chocked at his bear which he was drinking and
everyone gave you two a weird look and JJ blushed slightly.

Okey come on, i said. I walked out first while John B and JJ were behind.
,, You know, you will sleep on the floor today right, my brother said to JJ?"

,, Yeah, i know sorry man, he said, but you still know he will sleep next to you."

,, John B, be safe, Kie said looking him in the eye."
Me and JJ looked at each other knowing we will talk about it later, what just happended.

,, iImean it, Kie added, still having eye contact with him."
Yeah, sure, John B said.
At the top of the motel, i kept walking, but still listening what JJ and My brother are talking about.
,, Be carefull John B just give me the John D already, JJ moaned, while masaging his shoulders.
I chuckeled and laughed.
,,God your so weird and arent you the one who always Hits on my sister JJ maybank, my brother said shoving JJ's arm of his shoulder."

I slightly blushed still walking.
,,WELL maybe but you dont let me Routlege, JJ said.

,,Yeah and i never will Maybank, John B said annoyed.

,,Ehm here is the room, i said changing the subject.

Yeah, JJ said akwardly. The room looked messy. Papers where on the floor and a jacket which didnt have a name on it was on the chaur next to the bed. June thaught it was spokey and whoever lived here is commiting murder. There Was a safe. John B found a paper. Where 6 numbers writed on. He tried the Code on the Safe which worked he opended It.

In the safe was a gun, Cash and a folder.
,, Dude JJ, you want to see this, my brother said in complete shook. "  ,,What is it, he anwerded, seeing the safe open he took the gun and played with it, like he's on a mission."

,, JJ put the gun down, I almost screamed. " He wanted to take a picture of the gun and himself. Before June could argue with him like his Brother did she heard something,  a sound on the window. 

,, Guys did you here that, John B said almost scared."

We rushed to the window and saw Pope and kiara saying COPS. 

,, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, I whisper. "  Come on let's go. 

John B went right and JJ and I left. Our body pressed at each other his hot breath on my neck. His hands where on my waist, while mine where on his neck. I was so afraid that we will get caught. ,, I really like this Position and John B cant to anything about it, JJ said, i smiled and let out a short laugh."

John B wasn't looking very happy, but he couldn't  do something  right now, he hated that JJ was so near at her its like they macking at each other.

After that his gun makes a voice and fell on the ground. Shit we all whisperd. The curtains were ripped opended and JJs body pressed at Junes body even more.

After what felt like hours everything was clear and we were on the boat again i sat next to JJ who complaint about something that they could've warned them sooner.

,, You could've warned us sooner, JJ says looking at Kie and Pope. 

Kie was annoyed and said it was Popes Fault, because he was on the math Team and couldnt trow a Rock.

There Was a blonde girl on the bench which had a Smartphone in her hand.

,,Look at this its a dead body its Scooters, the girl informed them showing the Foto.

June felt sick sawing that she had to remember that her mum was in coma once because of her drugs. Her mother looked Pale and had green spots or purple just like the photo. John B instendly saw that and Puts his hands on her for comfort.

,,Which Boat did he have, JJ asked wanting to know?"

,,Somehow that dirtbag got a New Grady White, the blonde girl answerd JJ."

June looked at John B and John B at June and then at JJ and Kie and Pope. June didnt belive it, it was Scooters Grady White but how did he get one? He was the guy who begged her for 5 bucks and know he has a Grady White thats impossible or did he won the lottery but that a 0% Chance. Maybe he was rich afterall and tested the people who waled by. No no that is only Happening in Movies.

,,June, June, JJ said waking June from her thaughts, lets go."

She nodded and followed, they went back to Chateau and everyone sat down. She was lost in thougts again that what she always do. Her head was on JJs Lap and he stroked her back. JJ knew that she was in thoughts and kinda upset he knew her to well. And he also knew that she got sick seeing the dead body he just didnt want to push it more for her.

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