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 •TCO woke up in his room, he opened his eyes as he looked around for a moment, he then sigh,got up and get himself ready for the day


•TDL on the other side was still asleep,and didn't want to woke up


 >>They were both roomates, after the battle, TDL got some minor injuries in his body, mostly in his chest (where TSC hit the knock out of him)<<


•After TCO cleaned up a bit, he then goes to TDL's room, it's messy

 Chosen : "Dark get the f*ck up already"
 Dark : "Five more minutes"

TCO sigh, as he drags TDL out from the Bed by the foot

 Chosen : "Dark im not saying this twice-... get up already you need to rechange your bandages"
Dark : "Ughhh.... Fiiiiiiiinnnnneee...."

 as TCO Let go of his foot, goes out from TDL room

After some while they eat breakfeast together while chit chatting a bit
 TCO rechange TDL bandages as he looks at the several injuries TDL had, it was much, they had their own injuries

TCO sigh

Chosen : "Why must i, the one who took care of you..?.."
Dark : "Idk...maybe im just served as a royal "prince" to my loyal servant~...
Chosen : "Shut up..."
Dark : "What?? i was right??"
Chosen : "Pfft- If i were you i would take care of myself, more than being changed by someone else..."
Dark : "Hey-!...i was the one who almost died back then!...i must have a good treatment after that~..."
Chosen : "Yeah, yeah whatever "Princess one of a kind, Dark Lord"

TDL looked pissed, as he slaps TCO, he didn't a give a f*ck about TDL slapping him

Dark : "F*ck you!"
Chosen : "Meh-..."

[[Hi, uhm this was short yes, i'll be taking time later to actually realesed another not that good at writing fanfic but ofcourse enjoy the reading this whole thing :>>]]

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