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TCO just came back from Alan's PC, he got a mad their, and almost destroyed everything luckily theirs water, and Alan is mad, so Cho felt bad :/


Cho got home

Dark : "!! ah cho your home!!:D"
falls to dark's lap
Dark : "?? huh? bad day?
Chosen : "Bad day."
Dark : "You broke something? outraged? get mad?
Cho nods
Dark : "did you got scolded by Alan?
Cho nods
Dark : "Injuries? No?"
Cho shakes his head
Dark : "Then your fine"

Dark was looking at his phone dosen't seemed to care

Chosen : " >:/ "
Cho hugs Dark
Dark : "!!... So lil cho needs hug~? from his boy-"
Chosen : "His friend..."
Dark : "c'mon >:/"
Chosen : " :P "

Dark proceeds to hug cho



Dark was still hugging Cho


Dark : "Felling better?"
Cho nods
Dark : "Then your fine.."

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