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((Hi!! The creator is here to give you...AU / headcanon for "You, me, us" timeline))

--> For those who didn't read the description in this story, i'll expalin in short way:

aftermath of AVA V - TCO carried TDL back to their house, and heals him - There's were a lot of angst and back story, (tissues needs) - after that they get along - Be friends - Married/JK Bf's ((And the rest is just the main series))

--> While this is a really Short impitetic story line.. ((Im not fully aware to continue or not in the future)) i'll give my self a shot!, cuz i love Joining community, and ruining it /Jk

🔘🔥 TCO:
the 2nd creation and the 2nd clone of Victim's we see (HC) troughout the main series, sure hes independant himself, fighting, crimes, arson....War-
but not just that (in MY HC) he's around pretty much 20+ now, just say 23-25, Whilst being that grown man...he dosen't seemed to act like it all..he loves the wisdom of being adulthood, but never escaped the child experience he had, for example He still do/ enjoys playing with toy cars, or atleast, play with some kids far of his age, hes a little shy/introverted, but overly didn't expressed it much, likes to spar and battle with TDL

⭕🕷️ TDL:
3rd creation, and TCO's companianship troughout the main series, he seemed to be a lot more arrogant, fearsome, powerfull, A villain....But No, deep inside he still got some soft spot...
Narrator: Right..Cho?

Chosen: i mean..yeah? for example one time, when i was all tired and all, after burning alive a village in what games? He brings me a, tea, some blankets and pillows, and just joke around to make me feel better...That's nice.

Dark: It's only bcuz, hes the idiot punker back then, and act like he can handle a 1 meter scar on his hand...
*Whispered* : And do you know sometimes he requested for me to fuc-

((Any way :D))

(HC) TDL is around 20-24, more younger than TCO, he likes to drink tea...No hes not british, Hes not  a morning person, Hes to angsty sometimes, Drama queen, and loads of stuff That pointing him A GAY AS-

Moving forward

🧡💤 TSC:
4th of creation, The kick starter of every Series ((Except AvA)), and the Protaginsit of AvM, AvE ((His a protaginist in AvA along side TCO)) The basically FAV CHILD, younger brother to TCO, older brother to Victim, hes exactly (HC) 15 years old, the middle youngest of the Colour gang, besides Red (14) the youngest, Habits is you guessed it, sleeping on his personal bed (HC) or Hammock, Hes favorite hobby is to animate, Helping Blue and Red with Farm animal, and cooking, along with Green and Yellow, helping to make coordinates of Yellow's new enginering skills, and a band (kinda?) partner with Green


🩶 💢 Victim:
Oldest Creation The 1st Clone from Original Victim (HC) An oldest brother to TCO, and TSC, pretty much is already 28-29.. ((Still much more younger than Orchid nor Navy fyi)) The leadear of A secret organization for a decade. His hobbies are, Reading, drawing ((Well not animating)) Personal relationship with Agent 

((YES- IM PULLING VICAGENT TO THIS HC , for the sake of entertainment and FUN! 🥰))

Independant, and stubborn well a little...


🩶😇 Fan Victim: 
(All of this info are HC)
The Ancestor of Alans creation of hollow heads, the olderly Who died ((Immediately 💀)) and sort of Viewer for most of main series, Keep in mind, Victim is more older now, like 30+, ever interact with Gold, and Orchid in the sequences, basically just a POV of Us watching the main series, but overall still keep in watching what excitment yet horor did he come in ((This includes, AvM,AvA,AvE, and This Fan Fic of "You, Me, Us" basically just some guardian angel..Who didn't really guard no one, just seeing things...

--> Pt 2 of Special chapter continues...

((4th wall breaking))

Narrator: Phew..made a A whole entire HC? i guess...

Chosen: Hollow heads only?

Narrator: yep next is the cg, rf, and mercs-

Second: Can i help in the next special chp? i'll help fill in the others, from my perspective!

Narrator: Sure SC...Thx <:

Second: No prob! :D

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