Chp7-Unexpected event

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>The blue sky and the roaming clouds above, TSC is walking down the the grass path, along side, tons of tall grass, carrying a plastic bag of Breads, and juices


>He walks down a hill to some House, that was in a middle of a canyon, When he arrived, He knocks the door calling out TDL and TCO

Second : "big bro!! This is me! Second!"

(TSC had a connection with TCO but not with TDL) ___________________

>seconds pass, still no sign of Opening, TSC went in without consent, Slammjng the door open and.... TCO looked at TSC who is in shock, ofcourse why not?, clearly Chosen was pinning Dark on the sofa and bruishes around Darks neck, hinting a Concerned intimate moment

Chosen : "oh...second...didn't see you coming..."

Chosen: "it's not what it looks like ok? "

TSC had a large opened shock mouth, as he place the bag onto the table, leaving a soon as hes done

Dark chuckled

Dark: "Fuck....Did we just get caught? Fucking out?"
Chosen : "shut up, you dork..."


TDL and TCO were back on their Make out

((HAII :33 ITS BEEN AWHILE....and yey finally graduted 7th grade! Rime to mive on i guess... sorry for not posting so long :// my idea is running out TwT, so bye see you again :>>))

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