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TCO and TDL were training like they usually do, TCO would still be aware of any kind of danger like what he used to act like, but TDL is now more of slower reaction, maybe still recovering but they'll worked out


As TCO is looking into his surrounding tDL then sneakly launches an attack and almost Stabbing TCO on the hand, before then TCO grabs his knife and slowly returning the direction of it in a quick sequenceses,TDL falls down as the knife thengoes straight to the ground


TCO helped TDL get up

Chosen : "you alright?"
Dark : "yeah, i swore that kinfe will stabbed me if the direction didn't change..."
Chosen : "well sorry...i mean it's your idea to bring a knife for training anyway..."
Dark : "it's better than cardboard
Chosen : "fr-"


After that they both took a rest

TDL strecthed himself

Dark : " ready to continue?
Chosen :"wdym continue?.."
Dark : "what? It's still early to end this.."
Chosen : "Dark its 5 pm...?'s going to get Dark soon..."
Dark : "like me~..."
Chosen : "nah your the Red Lord..."
Dark : "Evil monstracile Lord..."
TCO chuckled
Chosen : "whatever"


After that they both started to trained again till evening


Chosen sighed
Chosen : "ok..lets get home.."
Dark : "yea im tired...but it was a good trainin tho..."
Chosen : "yeah..."
TDL then thinks
Dark : "can you please hug me tonight?"
Chosen : "make me"
Dark : "Pfft...easy just wait~"
Chosen : "i like to see you to try~.."


[[School had got me >:/...BUT IM BACK ONLINE BB!!! >:))]]

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