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TDL is sick cuz he got caught in the rain yesterday
And TCO is the one who took care for him...


Chosen pov: why must i the one who took care for him? I mean he's a freaking grown ass man ofcourse he will be fine without me? Idk? Something tells me he's going to fvck up he's health more if i didn't care

He saw TDL sleeping

Chosen pov : well sh!t...


Dark : "Cho?"
Chosen : "your Alive?"
TDL chuckled
Dark : "can i get a hug?"
Chosen : "no."
Dark : "PPppllllllleeeeeeaaaaaaassssssseeeeeee......" :(
Chosen : "Your sick i would've got it if i let you, so no."
Dark : "C'mon Cho just a hug from your boyfriend~?"
Chosen : "im not your bf..."
TDL pouted
Dark : "i thought you would like a hug i mean it would be great if someone cares for me, and let me hug them~ 🥺"

Chosen : "tf- 😐"

Chosen : "No."

Dark : "I'LL MAKE YOU >:<<!!"


In the end

They were both hugging together

[[SO UHHH i mean i will not post any story next month cuz school is still on air so uhm...SO UHM...bye :D!! Thx for reading]]

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