Chapter 7

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(Kiara's POV)

I get in my car and rest my head against the steering wheel, wishing I could just give in and cry. But no. The strong, independent woman doesn't get to do that.
My phone buzzes, and I pull it out to shoot a response text to.........

Love : Good morning......... I just got your resignation letter on my desk. So please directly come to my cabin.

I huff, and tears really do blur my vision this time.
I can't handle this. I can't handle him.
But I have to...
I crank up the engine and squeal out of the parking area, not caring that I startled my neighbours who are going about their own useless displays of morning greetings.

Parking in the basement of the office building, I'm still in my car, staring at the dash, try to gather the nerve to actually get out.

He's waiting for me. I'm not even fifteen minutes late, but I've already received three different texts asking where I am. My phone even buzzes again, and I'm sure it's with yet another message for asking where I am.

I don't know how he manage to get out of bed after all this, let alone find the energy to harass me like this.
I don't know how I'm gonna walk through all of this without a single tear in my eye.
I have to remain Stoic, come on.

Another buzz of my phone, and I know I can't keep hiding in the car. I let out another deep breath and finally get out.
I make my way to his cabin, where sean his assistant waiting for me and I know everyone in the office is starting at me with pity or... I don't know.

I don't blame them. I don't want to be here either.

"Fucking finally," sean curses under his breath." You're making boss wait for you."

I stare at Sean's face, trying to swallow the anger." First of all I didn't asked him to wait for him but I guess your have so much free time in his hands."

"Excuse me?" He says immediately.
"Nothing, let's go."

Seriously I just wanted to back home, so I can able to putting all the drama out of my mind, tucking it away for another time.

Unfortunately, I can't do that. So, let's just face it and end it. When I stepped in through the doorway to his cabin, I saw Mike, standing by near his desk, staring at me.

His eyes met mine, and he looked tired, I gulped, looking away as I tried hell to act normal.
"Hey babe," he muttered quietly, I didn't said a word, but I was afraid to look him in the eyes. So, I just silently take a seat on couch who happened to be near his desk. The air in the room seemed tense because of my silence, and I couldn't tell it is was all in my head or not.
I took the courage and finally looked up at him but said nothing. My mouth was so dry I could barely swallow.

"Is everything okay? You didn't answer to hey," he asked. Seriously mike why are you behaving like nothing happened two days ago on our anniversary night. I remained silent, staring back at him. But my nerves were rattling inside my body.
"Kiara....?" He muttered,

"Why Did you rejected my resignation letter?" I asked, my voice was steady and serious, my face remaining cold as stone.
He froze for a second, my heart plummering into my stomach. But I recover quickly enough, to face his stupid response.

"What do you mean?" His forehead creased as he sturggled to fabricate a look of startled confusion.

"Well, I sent you my resignation letter yesterday and you rejected and now I'm hoping that you're going to gave me a valid reason for rejecting my resignation letter." I raised my brow, tilting my head in question.
"Why......?" He huffed, blinking a few times. Oh god.... Dear god, sweet Jesus........ Anything but please not at all start that shitty discussion again please.
"......why are you doing this?..."
"I don't know, Mike, you tell me." I grumbled, narrowing my gaze.
He gaped at me with wide eyes, unable to move, speak,or blink.

Okay, calm down, he's a piece of shit but you have to control your anger and keep that cold pace in your voice .

Finally, he sighed out hard and rolled his eyes.
"So, what's the reason , if don't want to tell  then sorry but I have to leave." I muttered, speaking slow and somber. But my stomach tightened, and I really felt like I might be sick.

"Ok. So, here's the thing or the reason you're dying to listen.... You signed a agreement with company as a  new project head and that agreement paper's clearly says you can't leave the project untill the project end's ."

He stopped and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. My hands were shaking so hard, I had to make them into fists to Stop them.
"And if you leave the project in middle like this, then investor's have every right to sue you not the company and you signed it happily. So now you can't blame me and also can't leave the company until that project end's."

"Are you trying to threaten me?" I grumbled.
"No, of course not. What I'm trying to do is stopping you to breaking the contract because I care about you. And I know it's tough for you to face me after all that but trust me I'm suffering as equally as you."

"Mike, there's really no point of caring about me now, if you don't cheat on me like that. I would never end up in this situation."
Kiara Stop it! That was a mistake. He whispered, trying to force his voice out in more than a distressed squeak from inside his throat.

"Excuse me, come again?" I cocked my eyebrow. "You know what your wonderful mistake not only hurts like hell but taking my peace also that I'm desperately trying to live with."
My bottom lip started to quiver, and I bit it, oh my god, I can't do this anymore. What I'm supposed to do now?

"I'm sorry..... Kiara what I'm supposed to do that make you able to forgive me?"
"Alright, just change the project head and let me go from this office peacefully. Can you do that for me?"
"Sorry, but I can't do that and trust if I can I would but they signed that project because you were going to handling that project. So just..... don't leave please?" He begged.

I lean in on the couch, I can't take it anymore. Shaking my head I get up from couch. Thank you for this lovely meeting. But I think I'll be going.
He didn't say a word, In fact, he's looking at his phone screen maybe a text, while I stomp out of the cabin toward the basement.
I'm fuming inside. I need a drink. So fucking badly, so I text Willam to meet me at our usual place.

Writer's note:
What do you think guy's how Kiara gonna deal with this problem..... please let me know. And please support my work ❤️🙂

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