Chapter 11 (New plan)

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(Kiara's POV)

I'm still in my car, staring at the meeting details that mike send, and trying to clam myself before I get out of the car. Everybody's waiting for me in meeting room, I'm even fifteen minutes late, just because of that bastard. My phone never stop buzzing with different texts from Sean asking where the fuck I am. I let out another deep breath and finally get out of the car.
I make my way to meeting room, where project investor and ofcourse that piece of shit waiting for me.

Finally!! Sean comes to me. You definitely love when people wait for you right... Kiara?

I stare down at him, trying to swallow the anger. You could get started without me.

No. Mike immediately says while coming towards me, you're the project head. We definitely can't start meeting without you.
Shut the fuck up, you pathetic bastard, yeah definitely I don't say that.

Whatever, can we start now?

He just nodded at me then turn to go back and sit next to investors and said, sorry Mr. Arthur for making you wait this long but we all set now. I'm really wished he just kept his mouth shut whole the damn time until we done with this meeting.

He glances at me and jerks his head.
Right, it's my turn to greet and apologize to him.

I apologize for my tardiness and I promise you it's won't going to happen again.

I appreciate your apology but be careful next time. He says with smile. So we all here then let's start the meeting.
Yes, absolutely.
So, I really want to know what new ideas you're going to come up with to promote our new luxurious resort. He asked with raised his brow at me.

Actually I have been working on it and come up with a revelation idea to promote your new luxurious resort, sir.
So what are you waiting for I'm all ears, tell me.
You're giving us 10 days to promote your luxurious resort, right?
And you know shooting a regular ad won't take that long and it's too common. So, I changed my mind and plan to shoot 5 days reality show theme ad. Instead of the same boring ad that we all see everywhere.

Interesting, but can you please elaborate how you planning to doing it?
Ok, according to the data your team send us your packages starts from 5days to maximum 10 days with lots of site seeing. Right?
Yes. But what's with that have to do with this?
So, we are going to shoot all 5 days sightseeing with lots of fun activities you promised to give client with our two actor's, and at the end of the day we are going to combine all the 5 days clips together to make a perfect ad for you. And with that your resort not just going to promoted by us but also on those actor's media accounts that means in 10 days you got double promotion within your budget. What do you think?

I got it what you trying to say and I must say I'm impressed with this idea but don't you think paying actor's for 5 days it's really going to attack our pockets.
I understand what you're alarming me about but I really do my homework very well . I chose the actor's that fit perfectly with our plans .

Again impressive Mrs. Kiara. So, who's in your mind?

William Roy and Kai Kessler. We all who's William Roy is and I already talked to him and he's ready to work on our terms. Ok, I know I'm lying but I dare to that bastard to say No to me he is one who put me in this situation first. And Kai Kessler is newbie but he's a hot sensation on social media. So, what's your call? a good choice but I want to replace Kai with someone else.
Who? I asked with confused look on my face.
Actually we're still trying to convincing him. So, wait for tonight I let you know if he's going to be a part or not. And let me tell he's very precious to me, so please take good care of him. He's going to show you a lot of tantrums but I know you able to co-operate with him. I look like a joke to him?

Sorry, but our contract clearly says that as a project head I'm the one decision maker and no one can disobey me including the actor's and staff. Right?
Yes of course, we aren't taking any rights From you but he's a special case in this situation. So, I really hoping that you are not going to say no to us.

Ok I'll try......... like I have another choice. Fuck.

Ok that's all I let you know about him joining us or not. So, be prepared for tomorrow's meeting with him.

Hmm.... that's a pleasure meeting with you Mr. Arthur.
Same here, Mrs. Kiara.

Mike stand up and asks Mr. Arthur, shall we sir? Then they turns and stalks outside the meeting room, and I lean back on my chair.

Finally!! I able to survived that fucking meeting.......but I think it's the time to start a new journey from this new project and the end all fucking memories right here in this office.

Writer's note:

What do you think about this chapter let me know guy's. And please support my work ❤️

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